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The Internet

Journal Journal: New Domain

Well I went and bought a domain and now have a website for my personal and side work. I paid a little extra for the domain name and custom dns service but I would prefer to support the opensource community with my money and if I can give a little assistance to they got it. And to think my ISP told me that i could not set up a domain on the webserver they provide with my account. Thanks to slashdot I found out about DYNDNS and their service works great. Thanks.

Journal Journal: OS X

Well after reading all the articles on OS X,I gave apple a chance so I had the chance to install and play with it this week at work. All I have to say is the hype is true, I never liked APPLE but after playing with OS X I can see the why people like it.....the one draw back is the price of the hardware. it is still pricey for my Cheap Ass . To bad they sold the IMAC that I installed OS X on. I would have liked to play with it for awhile.....

Journal Journal: Got it Now

Well i am running my primary system on mandrake now. my windows box is sitting in the corner serving files and storage. now just to getting the other system up and running. The change over begins.....Dual monitors with mandrake is the next project for me.

Journal Journal: Fighting Tooth and Nail

Well it is a battle I can't get the BOSS to accept Linux as a viable platform to use in the shop. They keep fighting wanting to keep throwing money to microsoft. BUT the WAR is not over yet!!!!!!

Journal Journal: Deeper

Well I've been running a linux station now for about a month now. only had to reload i am working on putting a station on the windows network at work....If i can convince the Administrator do let me have limited admin rights....We will See. On a side Note I found the Crossover software and set it up for trial and it works wonderfully.If you have to or need to run MS office apps in linux you gotta try it.

Journal Journal: I Like IT

Wow The more I get into the training the more I wonder why anyone would want to run in windows? Slowly but surley i'm converting. hopefully in 3 months I hope to have a system running and using every day and get off of windows.

Journal Journal: Off on the certification Track

Well I signed up with smartcertify for linux+ certification . Today was the first day of my training. And I already see areas i need to find info on commands and terminal. Off I go Down the path one step at a time.
Red Hat Software

Journal Journal: Linux Here we go

Well Here i go into the red hat linux world. I've put togeather a server and installed linux and windows 2000 and now its time to see how much i can learn,about working with this OS. Trying to get a dual boot to work and other things to work...............I've already reloaded 4 times due to crashes or my ability ......scratch that, my not understanding what I'm doing....but that is how I screwing things up and trying to fix them....but so far I like the feel of the system...kind of like dos.. with a windows feel.
User Journal

Journal Journal: The Lightbulb just went on!!!

I was just reading the article on alton brown and some questions just got answered....and the great thing,Is that the answers were in context that made sense. Thanks Guys..... Being a new comer to the geek world I'm always trying to learn new things. My ideal world is to be able to run every device in my house from my pc. lights,Heat and changing the channel on the televison. or better yet programming my palm to be a tv remote so when I go the the resturant I can pick my own programs to watch, not the lame sporting events they choose to show on them... Late
User Journal

Journal Journal: What to do with old technology???

Everyday i check old technology why? are all these companys just using there profits to upgrade systems just to make the bottom line look more attractive. getting rid of a PIII 750 dual processors servers is just crazy. and all the 166,266 and 333 work just fine. But in the corporate world......the one with the biggest toys wins...don't you think there are people out there that would be happy with a 266....and with the software company's telling you, you have to get a better machine or the program wont run...(windows xp). think the software companys are in bed with the computer manfactures? War PII xp home won't support networking?????

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