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User Journal

Journal Journal: Damn now Google is about to revolve around the world

Story on Slashdot is that Google is partnering with NASA. They're just taking over aren't they? Google Poker, that'd be a new one. Put the poker sites out of business by sending all their own poker traffic to themselves.
User Journal

Journal Journal: The World Revolves Around Google

At least my world does anyway. I attend a few search and technology conferences and the big spin always seems to be around Google. They are the biggest star of the IT world and that doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon. Two Goliaths in Microsoft and Yahoo ride their coat tails the whole way but nobody is stepping up to dethrone them. Nobody does anything that Google hasn't done first and if they do, well Google just comes along and does it better. Every bit of technology I come up with in my work revolves around what Google likes and what Google may not like. We don't want to piss off Google do we!? Honestly I've become a bit sick of it and recently CNet has become Google's proverbial bitch due to some story they wrote that might have splashed a little something on Google's shiny reputation. This little altercation brought up some feelings that I don't really like. I've always loved Google and appreciated what they've contributed to the web but I worry that they're becoming a little to big and allowed too much free reign. Really had it been Microsoft hushing the media we'd be pulling out the pitchforks and torches. I hope I'm just getting a wrong feeling and I hope they continue to push the bar on making the web a better place. I suppose only time will tell and I guess the whole point of this rant is that Google is great, but are they becoming too Good? Power corrupts and the ability to hush the media is something to be leary of.

-Jerry http://www.jerryodom.com/

User Journal

Journal Journal: I read Slashdot when I'm drunk

Its true. Apparently I get toasty and reading about whats new in the world gets important. Sometimes I go to a strip club but isn't it nice to know that you're in the same boat Slashdot? Oh and sometimes I write useless crap on my website http://www.jerryodom.com/

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We can found no scientific discipline, nor a healthy profession on the technical mistakes of the Department of Defense and IBM. -- Edsger Dijkstra
