Journal Journal: Calvin Snobs of Linux
What I ask myself when I try to post is becoming more important. I want to retain a good karma, but still have my feelings heard.
One thing I feel strongly about is the distinctions that exist between the level of users in linux. I see Four types.
1. Really good users,
2. Medium users,
3. Novice/newbies, and
4. those yet to realize the potential.
There is however one debate that continues to rage. How to get linux up to par for the average user. This question is clearly aimed at the number 2 and 3 groups, but needs the first group to successfully be resolved.
Now the first group is divided into two groups. Those profiecent and willing to help, and those profiecent and not. I ofton think about the last group as being rather arrogant. Then I realized these are the same guys that poke fun at everyday users for using a mouse and not the keyboard, for not using emacs for everything. I don't see how they help at all. Sure secluded they can arrive at neat fixes and solutions, but all to ofton they jump on the critical bandwagon. This only serves to push new users away.
I think each question should be approached with wisdom and not ridicule.
I am afraid to post anti-linux posts because I get flamed. Sorry I am stil learning the process, but realize there are viable, legitimate issues or the discussion would not exists.
With that in mind I would love to see the more knowledgable users take a proactive stance against those that are nothing more than nerd shaped bullies.
I am getting ready for a return to windows just because of the stupid fighting, and degrading comments that are directed towards innocent users trying to make a difference who are constantly slighted at every chance by the enlightened.
If your so enlightened and know so much make your posts say something productive. Example. If a guys says his sound card doesn't work, don't go on a rampage about his ineptness(that is not how you sell a product). Go out and find some answers for him. You have time to be critical, please find time to be helpful.
Yeah this is all for me and no-one reads it, but its how i feel. I am trying to grow and become productive here at slashdot. I want linux to succeed. Do i want it to destroy windows? No more than i want to destroy Iraq. But I sure would love to see it become a super viable option for more than the computer elite. Its powerful, and I feel represented poorly each time someone degrades another persons level of skill.