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User Journal

Journal Journal: Time For Revolution

I will be as blunt as I possibly can be here, the time is now, Revolution will happen, its is as sure as the Sun will rise.

We stand, as we have always stood from our earliest beginnings, for the independence and equality of all nations. This nation was born of revolution and raised in freedom. And we do not intend to leave an open road for despotism. - John F Kennedy

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. - John F Kennedy

If President Kennedy was alive today, the state of current American politics would bring him to tears

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin

Every generation needs a new revolution. - Thomas Jefferson

Don't be a slave to the Corporate Dictatorship, voice your rights, take to the streets and overthrow the corrupt Government that has formed out of the decay of the Government the United States was founded on!

User Journal

Journal Journal: this page needs something

i figure my Journal here on slashdot needs something, so from time to time i may post about some random subject that nobody really cares about but people will probably read anyways... just like the front page.

first topic... Windows V.S. Linux V.S. OSX

i picked a Topic that is likely to start a holy war for one reason and one reason alone... because i want to see where it goes...

it really is simple, Linux is a Great OS... if you want to run a server or make use of a 486, which means the best way to run linux is simple command line. those 2 reasons are about where the line should be drawn. you can't play games on Linux, none that are worth putting time into anyways. there are Much better solutions on the market for pretty much everything other than a Web Server, and thats mostly because Apache is a pig in Windows and IIS plainly sucks whereas OSX is next to useless for anything server related.

OSX, its a User-friendly OS that excels at Graphics and Video development and not much else. its great to have, but when your done drawing a picture you want something with a little more beef behind it.

finally, what can i say about Windows that hasn't already been said before? its a Resource hog, bloated, spyware infested gong-show that should have never been developed in the first place. with that being said, Windows just works... its the Jack-of-all-trades that does everything decently, but nothing really that great. the one exception is gaming, any serious PC gamer has windows on his/her most powerful computer(or primary partition), There really is no other choice for Gamers. I would bet you'd be hard pressed to find a good game on OSX or Linux that isn't on Windows in some form or another, however, switch the roles and you'll find that 90% of the games on windows are only on windows.

when it all comes down to it, every single operating system ever made sucks, blows, and hurdles flaming cow manure at old women. the best option to go with is to not own a computer, however, being that not having one really isn't an option in our modern society, i would suggest a shotgun to the head... its really the only option that doesn't involve tedious hours of bug-hunting and fixing things that shouldn't have been broken in the first place.

in the meantime, STFU and RTFA

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