1620705 journal Journal Journal: My Livejournal Journal by ilyanep on Thursday June 09, 2005 @06:18PM I'm not going to bother posting here (and almost nobody on /. does) because I have a livejournal. If you really want the url, comment on this post.
1590273 journal Journal Journal: iTunes Journal by ilyanep on Monday November 15, 2004 @05:13PM Is it just me, or does it take like a year to load?
1590125 journal Journal Journal: I'd Write here, but... Journal by ilyanep on Sunday November 14, 2004 @08:48PM I have a liveJournal. What's the point? However, I will say that I've always wanted to abstain from something in a vote...never happened before. So.. Cheese or Eggs? ABSTAIN!