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Journal Journal: Pango trouble 4

System: Gentoo x86

I did ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" emerge mozilla-firefox today which updated pango too. The odd thing is that it compiled without xft support, causing all my GTK applications to crash since GTK uses pango. Firefox complained about a missing libpangoxft.so.0.

I tried explicitly emerging xft, even though it's part of the xorg-x11 package and was installed, then reemerging pango. That didn't help. Then I downgraded pango, but I still didn't get libpangoxft.so.0.

Finally, I recompiled xorg and then pango. Now firefox works and libpangoxft is there, but the CTRL+s and CTRL+f dialogue boxes must be using pango to do something it doesn't like, since they crash firefox with run-mozilla.sh: line 131: 1 0827 Segmentation fault "$prog" ${1+"$@"}.

Gpdf and gqview both crash with

Error reading Pango modules file

(gpdf:10653): Pango-WARNING **: No builtin or dynamically loaded modules
were found. Pango will not work correctly. This probably means
there was an error in the creation of:
You may be able to recreate this file by running pango-querymodules.
Error reading Pango modules file

(gnome_segv:10654): Pango-WARNING **: No builtin or dynamically loaded modules
were found. Pango will not work correctly. This probably means
there was an error in the creation of:
You may be able to recreate this file by running pango-querymodules.

I tried pango-querymodules, but it says

Cannot load module /usr/local/lib/pango/1.1.0/modules/pango-gurmukhi-x.so: /usr/local/lib/pango/1.1.0/modules/pango-gurmukhi-x.so: undefined symbol: pango_indic_compact

a few times and doesn't touch pango.modules. I have my old pango.modules, but it doesn't make a difference if it's there or not. All the modules referenced in it exist.

Maybe pango_indic_compact is deprecated and there's still traces of the removed pango 1.4.0 in use?

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