Journal Journal: My ravings about alien life
Extra Terrestrial life does exist, but will we recognise it when we find it? Many scientists say Silicon does not support the rich variety of complex molecules. Have they tested this at the conditions [that exists] at the core of a planet or star?
Does a life form even have to have complex molecules in order for it to be intelligent? Does a life form have to be able to communicate in order to be considered intelligent? If it does, do you think they will have found OTHER alien beings?
Our sending signals and listening for signals is based on a basic assumption: That some alien neighbours would make use of radio signals for communication. This I personally believe may well not be true. I think a species that uses such a slow form of information sending would either have to think very different about time (eg live millions and millions of our years) or else they would use it only over shorter distances. In the first instance, it might be hard for us to communicate with these beings based on the fact that it would take them a few millennia to form a decision or think a single thought. In the second case their transmissions is not likely to be strong enough for us to be able to distinguish it from background noise, or possibly to even pick it up (at current instrument resolution - which might reach the maximum possible for electronic based analogy equipment, e.g. shifting and measuring a single electron)
I'm running Seti because I like seeing my CPU(s) busy. And because I find the purpose of the project amusing. And because I love anything that utilises the Internet for a purpose other than shopping online. And because it looks like I can work my way up in the ranks and achieve a nice position.