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User Journal

Journal Journal: Alan Eldridge

I woke up on Monday and was getting ready for an exam. As I had some spare time before going to University I decided to check my e-mail. And then, the bad news popped up: Alan Eldridge passed away

As someone who once attempted suicide, I have an idea of how he was feeling just before he could no longer keep up with life. It saddens me that he couldn't get the job he deserved. It saddens me that I never got to know him better. I did my little bit and dedicated a release of The Fish to him. I'm trying to think what can we learn from this, what can we learn from Alan as a person. Alan, we won't forget you.


Journal Journal: A year of The Fish 2

Today I've released a new version of The Fish, my little contribution to the FreeBSD community. It was almost one year ago that we talked about it in the freebsd-hackers mailing list. It's come a long way, with far more people using it than I had expected for such a niche program. After all, its use is for FreeBSD admins, it's very tied to the platform. I'm quite happy today, I'd even say it's the best thing that has happened in this otherwise crappy xmas holidays.

Journal Journal: Remembering the old times

Today has come to me that nostalgic feeling, when my trusty A1200 was my main computer and I still had the will and energy to code line after line of mc68k assembly. *Sigh* I miss those times, specially from 1994 until '96. Those years were wonderful in the demo scene. Many good productions were released, I had a lot of fun going to parties and hanging around with my mates. I think I'll just watch some Divx recording of those demos that I wget'ed from amidemos some time ago.

I love my current boxes, and I love FreeBSD, but I still feel that I miss something from my old Amiga times (could it be CygnusED?)

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