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User Journal

Journal Journal: Moderator again 1

Don't ask me how, but I got moderator points again already. I just finished up the last of my points.

The only thing I wish you could find out was how much longer you had for moderation. I just get so paranoid that I'm going to lose my points.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Moderator

Today I finished my role as a moderator. It was fun. Although I read more of Slashdot over the past couple of days than I have probably read since I started visiting. And after reading so indepthly, I had a hard time deciding whether I should moderate a post or reply to it!

That was fun, let's do it again!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Diet Coke

Today I tried to inhale Diet Coke. It makes you cough.

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The first Rotarian was the first man to call John the Baptist "Jack." -- H.L. Mencken
