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Journal Journal: How did you learn C? 1

I've never been much of a programmer (a few BASIC programs were my claim to fame), but as of late, I've found that I've gotten good using languages such as Expect, sh, and PHP.

I'd like to progress into C. I've tried Java, VB, and even C++, but have no desire for OOP just yet.

How did you learn C? I'm a visual learner and picked up what I know by doing projects. How useful are books, courses, and such for learning C? How long did it take to actually become productive and start creating useful apps?
User Journal

Journal Journal: Suggestions for a clear coat finish? 4

If anyone out there in /.-land is reading this, do you have any good suggestions/preferences on what kind of wax to use on a clear coat automotive finish? Yea, it's not news for nerds, but it is stuff that matters (to me at least ;).
User Journal

Journal Journal: Do people actually read these things? 1

I've always wondered if people actually read other user's journals here on Slashdot. If you read this, post a comment and let me know.

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Some people have a great ambition: to build something that will last, at least until they've finished building it.
