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A true 'data disaster' would have to be defined to include: 1) loss of data (including minor and major losses)[data is gone]. 2) loss of integrity of that data [the current data cannot be authenticated]. 3) loss of use of the data, even temporarily [loss of access]. 4) loss of the confidentiality of the data [unauthorized exposure of the data, including unauthorized capture]. 5) Unauthorized USE of the data. --->> whether the loss is for an individual or a larger organization can not be a consideration in the definition. the definition would include such loss as may caused, directly or indirectly, by authorized possessors of the data AND unauthorized possessors of the data. Data Disaster. HOW TO PREVENT DATA DISASTER . . should be a topic
posted on slashdot 5-28-10 approximately 12:15 pm est at:

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Journal Journal: MEMORY RANKING

wOw!! we've been duped! memory ranking !!! check it out!!

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Journal Journal: My Website

6-10-09 I FINALLY started building and activating CTech's Website!! whoo hoo!!

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