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User Journal

Journal Journal: Actually...

ya know, meta moderation isn't boring
what the fuck is this... how the fuck is this offtopic? Unfair.. this moderation is UNFAIR.

how scary is it ...
by - on Wed October 23, 13:26 (#4515375) ... that an article about lack of freedom of the press in the US, is published in germany?

Original Discussion: U.S. Ranks 17th in Freedom of the Press
Rating: Offtopic.
This rating is Unfair Fair | See Context

User Journal

Journal Journal: I metamoderate

The first and last time I wrote in my journal, I woke up the next morning to this. So I'm reluctant to use this, call me superstitious.

I moderate you.
I metamoderate you.
I will even show you who I moderate and metamoderate.. well, metamoderation is boring, but I'll show you who I moderate. Because that is what moderation is all about.

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There is nothing so easy but that it becomes difficult when you do it reluctantly. -- Publius Terentius Afer (Terence)
