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User Journal

Journal Journal: attention si vous plait

For some (now obviously resolved) reason, I could not log in and was forced to post anonymously. Due to the prolific trollific nature of Slashdot, the message below is the only one actually posted by me anonymously this year.

The actual comment

You insenstive clod... (Score:0)
by Anonymous Coward on Thursday March 18, @12:50PM (#8600608)
What about Oberon [oberon.ethz.ch]? True choice of the savvy hacker, no?

-cavegrub [slashdot.org]

User Journal

Journal Journal: number zero zero five

Laughing love in silence
A warm look on her face
I am enveloped by her sun

I cannot remember the last time I sat in a room and thought. The mind speaks in a million voices all at once, all out of rhythm. She clears and focuses - a lens of the light fantastic. Michelle. It can never be :|

I do not dream of her. My subconcious is barred from her warm grasp, the neurochemical cocktail of radiance. It feels so much better when put that way.

Sleep is always hard (not as hard as waking). I tried to fall asleep early. I realized that I will cease to die one day. We all wish for it to be like an IV drip. Talking to the nurse one moment, then nothing. That will happen to me in a finite amount of time. Resolution is much easier. We all have to die somehow; future, present, past are all inevitabilities of death.
User Journal

Journal Journal: number zero zero four

Site code drowned
Brown cream seas
Stand and watch

I should start coding my site again. All the kids have 'livejournal' or a 'blog' (such an ugly word), but I desire to code a memory digitizing device by myself! Muhaha!

Compass and backpack
Secure socket textbook
Information is the key

University applications are due soon. Chemistry is hard hard hard. Waterloo Open Mathematics Challenge tomorrow. Ouch.
User Journal

Journal Journal: number zero zero three enn ayche

Substituting numbers n letters 4 words makes u look really idiotic.

The ability to use a computer does not make you intelligent.

The Unwashed Masses use computers in the same way they use a car, a microwave, a VCR, a toilet or their lungs. They have a pretty good routine going, but they don't know how it works on the inside. These are called Users.

Computer Enthusiasts know how computers work. These are the people who can do multipart math problems. These are called Techies. Do not approach one with a question and suggest possible answers.
User Journal

Journal Journal: number zero zero two

foul wisps
approach the nose
yellow ferns

queen's eyes etched
hungry people see
young leaves flutter

tastey yogurt cups
contain active ingredients
good things come small

toys forgotten instantly
overturn halogen canvas rooms
art appreciation saves the day
User Journal

Journal Journal: number zero zero one

formatting is good
standards are good
haikus are so hard

drizzling rain
the moon coughing outside
phosphoric glow

warm primal light
faraway forests at dusk
look to silence of space

This last one came shortly after I took a bath. A solitary candle was lit in the first partition of my bathroom, splashing a soft flicker on the inner wall of the second partition. There were people - noises - on the first floor, and I needed to block them out. First my ears went underwater, then my eyes. I read Shampoo Planet, now finally understanding one incident. Wow.

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