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Journal Journal: Debates

Well, college is begining to suck again. Most of my professors are cool, but one is still getting on my nerves. We were given topics related to cyptography and told that we were to present the topic and explain what we learned. My topic was the mathematics in encryption. I wrote up a pretty good presentation using Star Office Impress, covering entopy, basic encryption math, i.e. XOR, covered the basics behind DES and RSA. Well, I was ready to present today, and I thought I was going to, but after 3 presentations, my professor decided that we would break a shift based encryption that one of the students/lab assistants created. That went on for about 2 hours, and ended up that we went home, and were told that we had to have it broke by Wed. Well, I am not really in the mood to break it, so it will wait.

I am really starting to get into math and encryption, I am thinking of double majoring in Computer Science and Engineering, and in Mathematics. Havent really decided yet.

I need to find a new keyboard for my computer, my wireless decided to not work all the time, so I am using a POS Dell keyboard.


Journal Journal: Looking at degree options

I am looking at what degree to pursue in college. I am close to finishing my UNIX Systems Administration degree, and am looking to get my Computer Science Bachelor's degree. The college I am looking at is the University of Texas in Arlington. They offer several CS degrees, CS, Computer Science and Engineering, and Computer Science and Software Engineering. The CSE degree deals more with embeded systems, the CSSE degree deals more with the software engineering side with testing and development courses.

I am looking for opinions as to what degree I should pursue. I am intrested in the hardware, but I feel that the SE courses would benefit me more.

Just wanted some opinions.

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