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User Journal

Journal Journal: Do you understand sarcasm? Didn't think so.

I replace the rant that I so carefully crafted with these few words.

Most of you people are tools.

You've pretty much sucked out the last of the nonsuckiness of slashdot.

Journal Journal: General Emotions

Most of you are so short-sighted and sheep-like, it amazes me. It doesn't surprise me, but it amazes me.
User Journal

Journal Journal: charite

I just had my a disc in my spine replaced. It's a relatively new procedure here in the U.S., and I'm blown away at how my recovery has been. For anybody that has had to deal with chronic back pain, and yet young enough to lead an active lifestyle, this seemed like such a great alternative to lumbar fusion.

I don't know why I'm telling you any of this, but I guess my geekiness has spilled over to advances in medicine as well these days.

Maybe I should to back to univerisity and start refocusing my talents and energies elsewhere.
Yeah, maybe not.

Link (DePuy/Johnson & Johnson) here.

Journal Journal: Truisms

It's funny how, around here, that the truth is always labeled as 'troll' or 'flamebait'.


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The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it. -- Franklin P. Jones
