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Journal Journal: G5 on 10/15

Never thought I'd resort to blogging, but my goodness, look what's happened.
At least if I blog here it'll be uh.. stealthy?

Well, I ordered my dual 2Ghz G5 back in July. Went all out with the 23" Cinema Display, the Logitech Z-680's, the whole works. Didn't order memory from Apple since it's a bit cheaper to get it from Crucial.

So, the delivery date? On or before October 15th. Ugh. A friend of mine who ordered a 17" Powerbook when it was announced had to wait three months.

I love Apple's products--but jeez--I wish they'd bulk up a little inventory before making all their customers wait.

I know, I know. I'm just whining. Waaaa!

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