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Journal Journal: I don't get it...

I log in, and I can't post. Doesn't take much for Karma to plummet, it would seem.

Why in God's name was this modded down?

This was supposed to be a Joke i.e. Microsoft, being made to look like the bad boys, similar in line to the Republican Party. If you don't get the reference, contact me, and I'll explain it, but don't mod it down because of that.

You call it Troll. I call it Accurate. I am seriously not impressed with the Mac fanboys who harp on about Mac OS. If I want a BSD-Based System, I'll use one capable of Dual-Booting with Windows on the hardware I possess already.

It was supposed to be funny, it obviously backfired. Strange how any of the other "Funny" posts all get modded up +5.

That, and all my posts even seem to have got to 0. Meaning no-one even sees them.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Being a Fox is hard...

Normal day in the life of a Bipedal Fox. In between trying to find my DVD-R's, and re-arranging my MP3's, I've been sampling some Linux Distro's on my PC. XP Pro is, of course, my #1 OS, but I've come to like Ubuntu (and just recently, Fedora Core) I like Ubuntu more, personally, but I'll have a more rounded Opinion when my SuSE 9.3 ISO finishes downloading x.x

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