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User Journal

Journal Journal: The Sims 2!!!

I don't get why Slashdot/Games didn't say anything about the release of TS2. It's great just like the first one. But no, Today the Sims 2 is released, wtf.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Evil Genius

This demo was fun. I wish there was more and that it was longer.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Free this and That

So, they got these free gifts online now. Free Ipods, TVs, Computers, Monitors, etc. etc. etc.!! Some people are doubtful, but others are truthful, which leads to this website, which is a thread that shows pictures, the users, the free items. So put your doubts away, get your Spam e-mails out, and refer your friends, as long as they refer you. Hey, you could even refer me at the following, help me out to get a TV.

Slashdot Top Deals

One good reason why computers can do more work than people is that they never have to stop and answer the phone.
