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Journal Journal: in Dublin for the weekend..

It's Sunday lunchtime and I'm sitting in a cyber cafe on Dublin's Camden Street, right-clik, which has three nice laptop points and loads of big Dell's.
It's hard to believe that I've been on line since some time in 1992 and this is the 2nd time I've used a cyber cafe, the other being in Vancouver on my honeymoon! I sure as hell wasn't taking my laptop with me then!!!

Emma & I are down in Dublin for the weekend as UTVi have a stand at The Holiday World Experience exhibition, Emma, Malcolm the Ops Manager and UTV "star" Julian are manning the stands, handing out UTV info sheets and application packs to anybody who'll take them!

The Exhibition it's self has stands from all over the world, there must be several forests worth of brochures being handed out!

Anyways, the reason sitting in a cyber cafe is cause all hell has broken loose in work, well, just for me, I've just been put on two projects with tight deadlines and lots to do! Hell, at least they are interesting! In my mad rush to get out the door on Friday, I forgot to check that the tape library had some tapes for the weekend backups, it didn't, so I've been trying to cull a few tapes from what's in the library so the Full back run finishes over the weekend, not some time during the week :-)

That and I needed to check my eBay bids :-)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Grandparents...

Well, we eventually managed to get up at around 11am, got the shower rail back up, at last, the first shower in almost a week! I hate baths!

We went up to visit my Nana Joan & Grampa Alan, Nana has bad angina, the Doctor has said that there is little more he can do, she's been on Nitro-Glycerine patches for a while, but they aren't having much effect. We just missed Mum, Dad & the twins, they had been up clearing some trees for Nana & Grampa.

Chris & Hilda are coming over next weekend for a couple of days, we reckon Jane & Garry will be over when they get back from Texas.

Both Nana & Grampa were in good form, we stayed for 2 hours, we then went on up to Emma's Mum's place in Bushmills to check it over, lucky we did, the gas tanks were empty, so the place doesn't have any anti-frost protection!

Tomorrow is our last dat off before we're back at thr grind stone :-/

User Journal

Journal Journal: First Journal Entry..

It's the first of 2003, we're all recovering from the night before (the mess is almost gone, Emma's dozing on the sofa, the tiredness is still here :-)

I wonder my life is going to eventful enough to keep this journal going.

So how did last night go? Pretty good, most people turned up, Simon, Katherine, Robert, Chris, Toby (and his Julie), Neale, Andy, Grace, Vicki. Simon B, Sara B & Racheal popped in for a while. Carl turned up in the end, better late than never!

Emma was chuffed that everybody liked her cooking, nothing got broken, nobody laughed too much at my disasterous attempt at DIY in the bathroom, all round success!

We do however have enough booze to float the navy...


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"I've got some amyls. We could either party later or, like, start his heart." -- "Cheech and Chong's Next Movie"
