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First Person Shooters (Games)

Journal Journal: Jihad Video Game = Art at RPI?

Wafaa Bilal has modified the game "Quest for Saddam" to create an anti-us | anti-bush video game he calls "The Night of Bush Capturing". The goal of this game is to essentially assassinate President Bush.

What caught my eye about the artical was that Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) of Troy NY somehow thought that this was art and was planning on a whole exhibition on the project.

"It was very unsettling for me and my students," Miller said. "It would be unfortunate if Wafaa Bilal's art exhibition remains closed. The whole point of art is to encourage dialogue."

Since when is a video game's replacement of artifacts and skins art worthy of being a high profile exhibition at a prestigous engineering school? and how far can American professors and colleges go with their anti-americanisms?

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