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The Matrix

Journal Journal: ANSWERS to The Matrix: Reloaded (SPOILERS)

After watching The Matrix: Reloaded friday, I had a whole lot to think about. Some of the points raised here on /. and other sites include:

How was Neo able to stop the sentinels in the "real world"?
What will happen to Smith?
How will Morpheus deal with the controlling nature of the oracle?

These are obviously only a few questions, but I belive that they adress the biggest, most glaring questions. Now for the answers.

Morpheus has shown in the past that he is able to deal with horrible, awful thoughts. When he is describing to Neo the nature of the "real world", he says "For the longest time I wouldn't believe it myself...I came to realize the obiousness of the truth." I believe that Morpheus will have a very diffcult time adjusting to the fact that the "truth" he has been clinging to is false. However, he is capable of it. He has done it before, when he was freed from The Matrix.

A little-discussed piece of the movie is one in which Smith replicates himself into a member of the rebellion while inside The Matrix. This same crewman is later seen slicing himself and trying to kill Neo. The replication sequence is described by Neo as "Like when I was shot by that Agent. It felt like...dying." Now, since when you die in The Matrix you are dead permanently, (unless you are Neo) and The Matrix is "A prison for your mind" has not then the mind of the rebel been killed and replaced with the mind of Agent Smith? The actions of the crewman on getting out of The Matrix are consonant with the actions of a program experiencing a body for the first time.

Of course this doesn't answer the question. What happens to Smith? Since a copy of him is out of The Matrix, perhaps Neo will help him "get out of this.. zoo, this prison, this reality, whatever you call it, I must get out..." Since Smith says almost tenderly at the beginning that "he freed me", perhaps, after a huge fight, Neo and Smith will work together to defeat The Matrix control programs and free humanity? Remember, Smith is no longer bound to The Source. He may obtain a very small peice of free will.

What is "Real". How do you define "Real"? asks Morpheus.

I will answer the final question tomorrow.

First Journal!

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