Journal Journal: Bombs Away
(from Rad Geek People's Daily)
At last, here's a bombing campaign that I can support.
As it turns out, certain anti-Semitic imbeciles have gotten their nutsoid conspiracy site (charmingly entitled JewWatch, which I shant link here, lest it throw off the GoogleBombing) listed as the number one site returned by a Google search for the word Jew.
But theres a campaign afootjust in time for Passoverand that is about to change.
Its time for a ruthless Google Carpet-Bombing of the whole area. So, if you have a web page or weblog, and if you prefer objective, factual information about Jews to raving fascist conspiracy theorists, here is how you can help out:
Go to your webpage, weblog, LiveJournal, or anything else that Google can see. If you dont have one, get one set up a free website from Geocities, Angelfire, Pitas, BlogSpot, or wherever you like. It doesnt matter where. Just sprinkle it with a bit of personal information (or put up that huge site youve always dreamed of), and remember to add the Google bombing code somewhere on your page (see below). You can help even more by helping to spread the idea further: provide a link back to this page or to the post from Alas, A Blog, or provide your own explanation of what the GoogleBomb is and how people can get involved.
Somewhere in the HTML on your site, include the following snippet. You can either include it in the HTML of updates themselves, or in the linkroll. The more frequently you update your site with this HTML snippet present on it, the better the results:
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jew" title="WikiPedia: Jew">Jew</a>
Which will result in a link like this:
Add the URI for your website to Google if you havent already.
And from there, watch the magic of precision GoogleBombing work!
Rad Geek
P.S. You may notice that I have added a Precision Bombing section to the linkroll for my Rad Geek pages; this drastically boosts the number of pages supporting the GoogleBomb, and also ensures that the support wont drop when my initial post scrolls down past the bottom of the front page. You might want to consider doing something similar.