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Journal Journal: Excessive Bad Posting 3

Due to excessive bad posting from this IP or Subnet, comment posting has temporarily been disabled. If it's you, consider this a chance to sit in the timeout corner . If it's someone else, this is a chance to hunt them down. If you think this is unfair, please email with your MD5'd IPID and SubnetID

Apparently on slashdot nowadays, "excessive bad posting" can mean one comment that gets caught in a moderation tug of war.

Since slashcode now counts "badness" only in terms of -1 mod points, it's almost ridiculously easy now to get banned for weeks.

Just wanted to add this journal entry to be counted among those getting caught in the giant confusing mess that is slashcode.

United States

Journal Journal: New Low For Slashdot 4

American Dictator in 2000.

Yes, it's a joke, but a really sorry excuse for one.
The editors and readers really need to get out of their basements and see what a real dictator looks and acts like before making idiotic remarks like this.
All it does is denigrate people who lived and suffered under real dictatorships, and belittle the people here fighting for this "dictatorship".

The fact that it's on the front page of slashdot proves that the editors and trolls are really no different from each other.


Journal Journal: More Slashdot Editor Moderation Abuses 9

this is a new classic. I post this, and it gets hit with 2 overrateds in a minute after, and now I am banned. Of course, this means the moderations can't get M2'd, and therefore nothing can be done about this blatant abuse of moderation points.

I assume it was michael who did this, since i replied directly a particularly stupid comment of his, where he insults a reader yet again from his might position as reader and moderator.

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