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Journal Journal: Confessions of a Homeless Techie

Been a long time since I strolled through the bits in this site, some things have changed, others stayed the same.

I used to post in response to articles here, like most of the wanderers who come to this place, never once thought that I would be the subject of one... Of course, never thought I would be on the cover of the Washington Post and have my family's images broadcast around the world in the news. Still don't know why there was such an interest when mine is one story out of millions like it.

So, someone told me that the WP article back in November was posted here and that I should take a look... I came, still remembered my old login info... But I've decided that I don't want to see the nasty attacks that probably erupted here due to that article.

I suppose I would ask one question for any of those who are bored enough to find this insignificant bit of weberrata and read the words within;

If you were the subject of a news article and that article made it's way to this portion of the web... would you be tempted to read what your peers said about you?

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