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Journal Journal: Slashdot's comment delay is too long 1

"Slashdot requires you to wait between each successful posting of a comment to allow everyone a fair chance at posting a comment.

It's been 21 minutes since you last successfully posted a comment

21 minutes! What happened to 4 minutes or whatever"

I dont know if this attached to karma or what but the karma tool is retarded too. I have bad karma because people disagree with me, not because my comments are poor quality.

Hardware Hacking

Journal Journal: steam punk keyboard

I am interested in creating a steam punk USB keyboard from an old typewriter. (Then a monitor to create a similar set-up as seen in the movie Brazil.)

I am a newbie to this and would appreciate any tips, links, to get started. Do I deconstruct a working keyboard first? Or do I need to start from scratch?

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