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User Journal

Journal Journal: Karma, where art thou?

Here goes my final entry to Slashdot. This place is more fanatical and Communistic than Saddam, the Shah, and Fidel Castro playing a round of golf with the Devil himself in a Skins classic. Oh, and don't forget the Libyan golf caddies - murderous little buggers. I've decided to say screw posting to Slashdot as my Karma is perpetually low, stories with real grounds are rejected as I'm not on the butt-buddy list for posters (refute if you wish, but it's true), and this place is a big fuckin' geek-pats-another-geek's-ass website for guys that do nothing but post-whore cause they never go outside. I, for one, am going outside, and the collective community of Slashdot can kiss my ass as I do so. Up yours, Slashdot. Oh wait, the mods would enjoy that. Belay that cornholing.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Just another day

Ladies and gentlemen... this is a cold day. In June. What the hell. And what's with the X800 Pro vs 6800 Ultra reviews? I mean... drop a X800 XT or XT PE in there and watch the fur fly. I think a consistent benchmark would be 6800GT vs X800 Pro, no?

Journal Journal: Here's a quick question

Since I managed to get bad karma for an offtopic post (according to the mod at large on that one), are all my f'in posts now debuting at 0, instead of 1? I'm not going hunting for some obscure FAQ on the matter. You have to be kidding me. Give me a break, Slashdot.

Journal Journal: So here we go again

So I am selling my 4 day-old Soltek 75FRN2-L. I've never seen a bigger 12V hog in existence. It renders my 420W Thermaltake Silent Purepower useless. I went back to my Asus A7V8X-X, and HAPPY DAY! I'm back to 6 cancer research results per day for that comp. My next board will be whatever I decide that I like from Asus for the upcoming 939-pin Sledgehammers.
It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: Logan's first entry

So I've managed to gain bad karma for reasons I can't discern. Methinks I ought not to worry, but how much power do these hams think they really have, anyways? What do they gain by modding me "down"? Powertrips come in all shapes and sizes, I guess. Let me add my response: *finger*

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Don't get suckered in by the comments -- they can be terribly misleading. Debug only code. -- Dave Storer
