Journal Journal: Funny how small the world is...
A good friend of mine from colege is currently spending a good deal of time with one Chris Aillon, yeah you know the Red Hat, Netscape, FireFox guy?
I find it amusing, that despite the fact I have never done any real programming to speak of or even run Linux as my main OS for more than a week at a time, I have a supremely lower
Of course it could juat mean I'm old, and the fact that me and my old high-school buddies used to move DOS, Mac and OS/2 Warez on Efnet back in the day is proof of previous script-kiddie lamer tendencies.
I just wonder, does anyone still remeber the old handles "FunkMan" and "EpilepticRat"?
The first person that can find me a package with "EpilipticRat of #macfilez" with my complete icon-logo wins a prize. Or if anyone can find an original "JawzX #macfilez" logo... I think I lost both of those years ago in an unfortunate SCSI bus vs. Static electricity event...
Jeeze, kiddies and thier Warez, will they ever learn?
just remember, "information wants to be free!" I remember yelling that in the hallway in junior-high, it was like a whole little "Hackers" micro-cosom back then.