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Journal Journal: - the software patents public wiki 1

I'm building a public wiki to document *everything* that campaigns need to know about software patents.

When you need to check something or need to find a study to back up a claim, aims to be the place to go to.

I spent a few years working on the anti-swpat campaign in the European Union. We did amazing work, but the online legacy is a mess and a lot of sites have even disappeared. So when I started working on the Bilski case in the USA, I decided that everything had to be documented in a publicly editable wiki - and the same is true for every other campaign I've been involved with since. The information gathered by each campaign must be made easily available to all future campaigns; we can't start from zero each time.

Your help is sought! When you see something interesting, or if you can dig up something interesting you saw years ago, please add it somewhere on the wiki. Don't worry about finding the right place or following any conventions - I regularly review the changes.

The mother project of the wiki, is the End Software Patents campaign. (donations sought)

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