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Journal Journal: Journal Entry Fourteen - Success

Once again it has been a while since i have written in this online journal thing, but for good reason! I have been busy, making some great software on the J2EE spec! In fact, i got a caching machine going for my RSS handler, and got banned by /.!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA
Last evening, i had my first in and out RSS Item transaction. Pretty sweet, it means that things are working, and i have paved the way for the beginning of our web app. It looks down right DIRTY. T is really ALL OVER things as far as the graphics go. He is right there with the javascript and the transforms, but not to the point where i can say,... "GO DO THIS", and not have to worry about a thing. Understandable! My entire first co-op session was essentially a throw-away, just for getting in touch with these sorts of technologies. I am very luck the good people at CST stuck with me, and helped make me the programmer i am now! WAHOOO!
So, HQ is looking like THE SPOTTY. Dad and i hit up the celtics game on monday, these lost, but we got a boiled dinner before hand, and really enjoyed sitting down below! Cannot wait for some fishing to be had!
Note much in ADI news, which is good, b/c i am really starting to take these things and run with them. Basically i am much more atomic than i was even a month ago!

Life is great! Summer is coming, bring it on!
User Journal

Journal Journal: Journal Entry Thirteen - Finishin it up


At the chip, 3 out of 4, down and out baby! Wrapping the world up and loving it! Not that it is making me bored, just that it is very satisfying to get things off the plate.

and speaking of the plate, IT IS A LARGE PLATE. T and I are making strides, but there is still much to be done, i am really going to have to turn it up even more... Other good news is i think i may have P back on board. For various reasons, the most important being that I may NEED him...

the youngin is the best...

in one week, a whip, a job with INTEL? and also a new Lappy due to the death of her other one... and it may or may NOT be truly dead...

C and I kickin it live! things calmed down after a tough week, and things are looking as bright as ever!

missin the rents a bit, gonna try and get at least one of them down to the spot this weekend, perhaps a lil entertainment downtown, and a lil on the ice too maybe! we will see!

doesn't get any better! at least until the sun shines an hour longer and the top is off! WORD


User Journal

Journal Journal: Journal Entry Twelve - Workin It


I am getting pretty decent at keeping this thing going every week or so. Good for me. I am workin it well on the food spot, unfortunately immediately after lunch it makes me incredibly... groggy would be the word. Not entirely tired, but just BLEH. I tend to try to most of my DB loads during this time, so i can let them fly, and put my brain on the easier think zone.

Yesterday was everything the opposite of easy think. I made it happen and got to the bottom of the CMS circus. Looks like things were ok on the CMS side, and eb just needed a lil update. Makes me feel better that things are working as they were meant to, but makes me wonder how even a dedicated group of people can keep all of this stuff in check. It truly is amazing that the whole thing works, nevermind works well!

So... onto CL, the deadline definition is getting worked upon, and it looks like it is going to be tight for me indeed. I was pondering a slightly different path, but it seems that with A dawg kickin the ass out of things, we will be way ahead in some areas, and just barely making it in others. As always, good plans require modification. But the confirmation from the almamada is looking especially good, so we will see what happens with that.

other than that i am the luckiest fella on the planet and life could not be better!


User Journal

Journal Journal: Journal Entry Eleven - Head Start

Hi There,

Normally it would seem to be another week or so before i got to write in this thing, but i am taking a moment while i wait for some sybase batch loads to finish, to type at my favorite quick content holder.

On the news of the chip, things are looking well here, earnings in general, and my performance in particular are going hand in hand :) I am willing to be that it is close to the same for everyone here. This place has such an atmosphere that it is no secret why it has such success.

In CL news, i thought i was the only one feeling the silliness, but P is out. I really could not argue his point, because if i was in the same boat, i would do the same thing. The experience is not worth the hassle in his case. I, however, am in much farther, and so i must see it through. But,... after talking with the Triple T-C, i realize that it isn't just me. T-C would do what P has done, except for one reason, a different kind of silliness that is positive, but from me in particular. This gives me confidence that although i do not have experience running these sorts of operations, i certainly have more than my counterparts. Due to the fact i do not have the time to take control however, i think it is fine to let thinks go for a bit, i think the result products may speak for themselves. We will have to see. It may be true that having patience is truly the difference. Either way, A Dawg is seriously on board, and we are coming with a lot of pain. We have more expertise on this side, and a better feeling across the board, if we had more time, it is fun to think about what we could do to the entire project, but for now we are ok in the third tier. K isn't quite as imbedded in silliness, and he is driving the bus, so i am happy to to wait for my stop while he has the helm.

G leader needs to CALM THE HELL DOWN

Bottom line is that we are all friends, and the despite the possibilities of this, the minimum requirement will be a lesson that cannot be compared to anything. It will be well worth it, but only if the friendship "persists".

gotta clean eis. LATAZ

User Journal

Journal Journal: Journal Entry Ten - Life is Good

Hi Journal, As usual it has been about 2 weeks since i made an entry, i think most people use these things in a different manner than i do, but dah well. I am sure it will change over time to be many different outlets of thoughts and data.

well now lets see... alpha is moving along well, i think that we will not have everything done on time, but i think we will have a lot more stuff on the table than we anticipated, so it should balance out.

the tall one and i are finding a decent path of finding time for one another by going on dates, something that we did a while ago, but is again a valid plan, simply because time seems so hard to come by, if we keep things a little bit more structured between us, we tend to do things that are a little bit more fun, and also we are open with each other about how time is going to be for a given day, or week.

in other news, DW is the place to be, and i love making it that way! the longer i work here at ADI the more i realize that it is such an exceptional workplace and company I hope i have many years to come here!

p and i are getting the hot spotty together slowly but surely, i need to figure out how i am going to get the licensing and insurance thing worked out, quickly but conveniently

in technical news i am working on a couple of technologies including the Digestor class for whatever given reason, and a couple of issues regarding portals and the like

but for now, it is back to VP sales reorgs! HAHA!


User Journal

Journal Journal: Journal Entry Nine - RIGHT ON!


So P and I found the place! We are trying to find an effective way to get out of our current place, with speed and ease. The place is absolutely perfect, in that it is what we need, in the right area, and the extra space, just makes one feel good about their self overall.

It works for alpha, the timing could not have been better, and everyone is excited. Now all we have to do is have an interview and get a grunt! Investor news is good. TJ is indeed putting his experience and connections to use in ways that all of our time combined could not. I anticipate good news from R, but i am not going to hang on it. We will succeed, and we are not going to waste time with those that are not fully committed. Our delivery must improve however, especially from the Chief, mr A.

well, the tall one and i are kickin it as usual! with such busy schedules we are finding success scheduling dates, like we just met! it is fun to do those things all over again too!

well, got to get to it! Lataz!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Journal Entry Eight - WOAH

Hi there, well, it has once again been WAY too long since my last journal entry, but things have been so busy this time, i almost don't feel bad. the only reason i would feel bad at all is because with so much going on, it is a shame that i cannot keep better track of it!

so the holidays came and went! lots of christmas and new years partys. some great progress on the company. got some awesome gifts for from the family and what is looking now to be the extended family. gp is kind of sick, but seems to be maintaining his strength or at least the appearance of strength, so hopefully it can last as long as possible!

work is going extra grand, as i am finishing lots of stuff up

the search for a permanent location is going ALL over the place, and i can never know, even from day to day what to expect from people or their plans. i feel bad for any one that has to try and figure it out in conversation from time to time!

the alpha moving along well, but as to be expected, emotions are getting out of control, i hope it doesn't last, especially if we are expected to be successful!

but dah well, can hardly wait to see what happens in the coming months! - lataz!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Journal Entry Seven - DOH!

HAHAHAHAHA - and just like the last post commented on how easy things can change in a day, it now seems much less likely that we will be able to work things out in cambridge. We are looking into some other places now though. And i think it will be better off as far as price and size goes.

The holidays are here, and the weekend is going to show it. I am attending a holiday party tomorrow, then going to the POPS with my family and the C$, and then that night we celebrate the Springfield connections 21st. Gonna be a blast! I hope on it doesn't make me very tired for Sunday, which is the O'K gathering! PHEW!

Other thoughts, the greene-one and I attended something about Java application monitoring. Looks like an excellent tool, but we will have to see what the entire scope of such an implementation would include. The OO design of the Alpha is beginning to take shape. I am curious to see what our decisions will do performance.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Journal Entry Six - Drastic!

Woah, just WOAH.

As of yesterday, i was not sure if the company could pull off getting some employees, and moving forward on getting some office space. Now, however, it seems that things can change DRASTICALLY, in just one day.

Before last evening, the scope of the business space was about 13 with me hoping to get 6 as an equity investment, but that was JUST for the business space. The visit last evening with the Devs and P changed their view on the future that the LiftOff has with us as a group and business. What doubts and inhibitions they may have had were instantly switched to complete and total enthusiasm. The Home-Ono reminded me that the entire LiftOff was indeed for rent, including the living space. With P and his enthusiasm, the possibility of finding a meandering road to office space, and the Home-Ono's new offer, the scope has changed from expensive space to decent living space, and excellent work space. AWESOME, only person left to impress is the C$, and anyone i plan on asking for investments from my family!

So we will move forward with employees and work space, and the best and worse for whatever may be in our future.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Journal Entry Five - Back at it!

Well then, the last time i tried to enter some information into this here journal, I lost it all, and since it was long and meaningfull, and i had other things to do, i didn't bother to write it up again. So here i am, 3 weeks after my last entry, adding to the journal!

So, a quick summary of what i tried to enter last time... the big P and i are once again roomies, and making the best of a small place, but splitting the rent in an excellent location. Which is awesome. The C$ is not too excited about it, but that is because she wants more out my living situation, so that she may more easily enjoy it too, which is understandable.

In other news the group is excited. M and K are going nuts on the coffee these days, and i am putting together some procedural coffee, unlike anything anybody has ever seen. We have a motivation to get some employees, but unless M can realisticly put together a solid work plan, i do not see it happening. I realized today though that there is still the Texan Dreadlord, who may be willing to contribute to the office project. I hope it works out, but i hope it is not too much trouble for too little ROI.

The elder Winter gave me some clubs this Turkey break, which was absolutely awesome. He has not been feeling well, but i was able to use them and i really enjoyed it. Using my line's clubs really gives it all a boost. I aim to make a journey and enjoy the air with the C$ counterpart for the elders, before too long.

Hopefully i feel the drums this weekend!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Journale Entry Four - Sure Enough!

Sure Enough! I have become distracted with other things, and forgot to maintain a well updated journal! Dah well!

In recent things, I went to Montreal and it was a blast! Got some new kicks, pretended to speak French with a lot of people, and had a blast with the C$ all weekend! WAHOOO!!!

In other news, I am in my new place on Columbo street in B-Town. It is looking pretty good, and my room resembles what it always does, a comfy little center for productivity and smiles :)

As far as technical matters go, we had our Oct 25 meeting for the alpha project, and despite my efforts, i was not able to make a clean incision between C$ time and A time before my first deadline. But that is ok, because i have been known to let things go and then get on them with amazing success.

I reflected and it seemed that leading up to graduation i was really hoping for and expecting some downtime, i guess i got that, but now it is time to get back to the grindstone, especially for the winter and put some things together, to make a sellable product. Can't wait, working on my design skills, as well as moderate programming techniques, but above all,... hopefully the GRE's either turn my way, or an avenue for graduate success shows itself!

Either way, P got a job and there is a good chance i am not where i am now for long, and the fun that was a paradise last, does another! WAHOOOO!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Journal Entry Three

The party went off without a hitch and was a complete success! The C$ finished her costume and everyone agreed that her idea was a unique and creative one. I was Major Nelson, the Genie's counterpart! It felt funny to play at being an officer, while actually wearing someones past military uniform!

There were quite a few devils, and quite a few clergy, including T, as an Alter Boy and N as a Nun. TH and KW also came with the clergy, but I am just glad that they could make it at all.

In other news, the entire day was devoted to the progress of the project with the fellows, and boy did it go well... G even referred to as feeling like a Pep Rally. We are extremely organized, and I can already see that the fact we have four people dedicated to this idea is going to pay off. Plans are moving forward, and I only hope that with my busy schedule I can keep up. AA has a good attitude and has an excellent record for organization and dedication. I think we are going to be more in dept to him than he to us, the developers :)

So full speed ahead lads!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Journal Entry Two

Life is good! Work is going well on the Alpha project, my good friend KP is engaged, and I am gearing up for my rager on Saturday. The C$ and I are getting along amazingly well, and I see no end to it. There is so much going on, and I see no end to it either!

This journal will serve as my personal reflection reference, but as it sits on a OSDN domain, I will do my best to maintain a trend of technical, thought provoking ideas, relative to business and programming technology in general.

One such thought of mine is the scenario my business partners and I found ourselves in last night. A small discrepency quickly turned into a heated ego battle, and it required all of us to step away from the topic and return with level heads (egos). It was quite interesting how as the turn of the speaker was increased, the volume and emphasis on the same point also increased. The argument was not structured enough for my progressive taste, and I eventually found myself stopping the battle and reflecting out loud, how the discussion was getting us no where. We agreed and disbanded for a snack for a short time.

The situation is interesting because despite our incredible work ethic and comprehensive programming and business abilities, we as a total only have a small amount of actual experience. Together we are strong, but as individual's sometimes our opinions have less merit, and it is easy to get caught up in debate.

One individual in particular,G, is quite passionate about the endeavor, and is also the most key link to our business partner: A. I find that this devotion sometimes leans towards a more demanding admission of leadership. As it is G's role to do so, I understand the tendency, but question the validity of some arguments when the topic continues to spin and and spin, with no end in site, simply because the leader should either recognize the situation and end it, or make a plan of action to remedy the debate with more detailed examples, or alternate arguments. I think as a whole, having a set of stronger mindsets, that perhaps have a mediator, is better than a set of soft mind sets, that blindly follow lead.

More to come!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Journal Entry One

Well,... I have been reading /. for about 5 years now,... might as well become a member!

I have never been good at keeping a consistent journal, only the occasional textpad entries or paragraphs into my notebook would accurately represent any kind of journal. Perhaps this opportunity will allow me to get some consistency going!

Anyways,... I have always found that it is good to note my mind set, so that later i can look back and get a better idea of where i was at the time. These days are pretty hectic, getting a lot of projects together; and just having graduated, also keeping my family and friends close. I don't have any real religous or political preferences, which i note because it seems a lot of my friends are using this time in their life to feel out what direction they may take in life.

As anyone who can see my profile can see, I am 22 and I am currently a software analyst at a local semi-conductor company ;)

I like this, only because it allows me freedom in between batch processing to do some more reading and do journal entries. Well, i think that is enough for journal entry one. Hopefully i can get some feedback soon and become more involved with my favorite open source community. ~lataz!

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