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Comment Re:Will sexist let boys on these courses? (Score -1) 151

In other words, "Other people of your (skin color/gender/nationality/parent's nationality/ivy-league school/religion/trait-of-the-day) have enough, so fuck you personally. You don't need it, because they have enough."

"Oh, and you worked really hard for this, sacrificed your social life, studied, went to the library, while the others went out partying? They had a social life, which is what you traded to get where you are? Well fuck you, because they need more."

Keep calling for favoritism. I can't possibly imagine the pendulum swinging back the other way. (Be careful that it doesn't hit you on its way..)

Comment I recommend... (Score 3, Interesting) 151

I would truly recommend Discrete Logic. The logic that goes into it, formal proofs, and understanding of cause-and-effect, has been invaluable. This really helps you reason through things that people say, and understand when their points don't support their conclusion -- with rigorous, formal reasons. It's valuable in many more scenarios than just copmutation. Hey, it can go for a math elective, too!

Oh wait. They mean "computer programming"? Not computer science? Well, I suppose most schools do offer metals and woods, another trade-like class couldn't hurt. Is Wood shop required? It's important to know how your furniture is made, isn't it?

Sigh. The Science of Computation. Computer Science. It's not what people think it is. It isn't magic... and actually, I lost a lot of interest in it when it lost its magic.

Linear Algebra was amazing as well. I hated calc, though -- the division-by-almost-zero bothers me.

Comment Adding charges after extradition? (Score 1) 45

This was discussed in the Assange case,

"[...] because of extradition practices, any such superseding indictment would most likely need to come soon, before Britain formally decides whether to transfer custody of him."

He said today: âoeThe New York Times report is wrong and understates the dangers to Assange. What it states is normally the case in extradition treaties, but itâ(TM)s not the case in the relevant U.S.-British extradition treaty.

Apparently there could be more to it than just "Nope, once he's out, he's the property of the US Injustice System," but... didn't he already get extradited? he agreed to it months ago.

Comment Facts are not copyrightable (Score 2) 89

It's pretty apparently clear that ChatGPT is not outputting these news articles any more than you or me describing what we heard recently -- using _completely_ different rhetoric.

Facts are not copyrightable. The rules of a game are not copyrightable. The presentation and representation are not copyrightable.

It would be a hard sell to say that the transformation of the facts into another new output is copyrightable, otherwise everything that you or I say or think or put out is a derivation of something that someone, sometime had a copyright to.

Comment Not a singularity? (Score 4, Interesting) 163

The new result shows that black holes gain mass in a way consistent with them containing vacuum energy, providing a source of dark energy and removing the need for singularities to form at their center.

They're saying that black holes are not singularities? This is based on observational data?

Comment All ShutterFly Models are Suspects (Score 1) 115

Given these generative AI systems take pictures from their source, or at least very significant parts of the pictures, people will be putting in descriptions and it will act like a search engine to suggest people from their source dataset.

In fact, that would probably be a _much_ more likely/useful tool: text-based attribute search of faces already in a system. In real-time, give the best matching faces for "resting dick-face with a tattoo on the cheek". They get 20 matches back. They say, "Hmm, no, they also had.." and they get 20 more matches back. Accurate matches, not like Blap image Search matches.


The problem then is, I'm below-average when it comes to facial recognition (put someone next to a picture of them and I'll swear it's not the same person), but even so I doubt most people would be able to identify someone from the street in a mugshot. It'll just be a random crap-shoot, with a few possibly-accurate attributes about the actual person.

Comment Re:Apple can recycle those... (Score 1) 222

The current trade in value.

Apple Trade In - Apple
We'll put the value of your trade-in device on a gift card


Great for businesses, so convenient!

People are slamming Apple for its âbrutalâ(TM) trade-in prices

If another "recycler" is willing to offer them more, then why settle?

The Trade-in value will rarely be as much as you would like/hope, but for devices that still have some value, the trade-in can represent a useful discount against something new from Apple. For some older devices, the value may indeed be zero


And in the case of going-out-of-business, or we-already-bought-them, then..

You're clearly a Fan, so I don't think there's much more that can be said.

Comment Re:Apple can recycle those... (Score 1) 222

Except that Apple would take and recycle every one of them, for free.

just turn them into Apple to recycle.

I'm sure Apple can do that. What's Apple going to pay for a collection of old, working, recent Macs, again?

1. if going-out-of-business, it's a case of recovering value from assets. Sell them as used, to be resold; as used, to be parted out/recycled; as... whatever. Sell them. Give them to Apple? for free? and _pay_ someone to drop them off at Apple? That's a cost, and no value recovered.

2. For end-of-life, the company now has 500 old computers to deal with. They can sort, separate (adapters/USB dongles/etc) to avoid RoHS concerns, and do it all in-house, or hire a clean-up company (this recycler) under the terms, "We'll pay you X to just get these 500 computers out of our office so we don't have to deal with them."

Hire a contractor to do it, with all computers, in bulk, or to the trash they go. Minimize cost of dealing with the old computers -- and again, the recycler is probably paying them for the usable older computers (and reselling them), whereas Apple will just "take it" with no compensation. Sell it or give it away.

Remember, these are corporations. Not people.

Comment Re:Stolen? (Score 1, Informative) 222

RTFA is unpopular, so that must be why they started putting everything in the summary.

These computers often end up at recycling centers after corporations go out of business or buy all new machines.

End-of-life, according to a corporate contract. The corporation doesn't want to invest more money into it, so they dump it for recycling. Instead of being re-usable, however, now they're reduced to raw materials -- but most of that is too toxic to separate and process, so they're just trash.

Comment The easy fix (Score 1) 69

I was thinking, "What could possibly go wrong?" People _WILL_ be caught out by this, and they WILL NOT have the evidence to prove that they actually wrote what they wrote.

! You'll have to turn on the editor's track-changes feature ! -- but track-changes doesn't work like that. It'll show how you changed things from a base document, not every sentence, in order, that you typed.

! Tools will have to adapt to auto-save and keep every version ! -- ugh. ... have you gotten it yet?

The Easy Fix

ChatGPT can't handle versions. It can't handle edits, or improvements. So that's what you require. By date and time X, submit an initial draft of your document. By date Y, revise that, add content, and turn it in again, arguably with the original draft (a lot of students will lose this or edit-not-save it, so it's up to the instructor). Maybe twice, maybe three times.

Chat GPT can't effectively maintain the document structure. You'll have to ask it to ellaborate on a section (first draft), and you get a fleshed-out section (second draft, "of course the section is wholly rewritten, the first draft was just ideas!). Cool. Now ask it to consider [topic] and edit the section[s]. This is an instructor task: read, understand, present rebuttle; student addresses instructor, turns in new work. GPT can't do this.

Yes, it requires work from the instructors, which they've tried marvelously hard to get out of doing.. but times are changing.

Comment Re:Did she get her assigned work done? (Score 1) 167

... and I worked two jobs in a row under a micro-manager, and one of them I got home every day swearing about the shit that happened at work that day. I couldn't do a god damn thing else because the people I worked immediately for were so fucking stupid and ruled with an iron fist in their control-freak micro-manager way.

Eventually I just _left_.

Before I left, I worked every day, I did what was asked of me and what was required of me, even if it was pointless, even if it was a waste of time, because that was the job. They were giving me money for doing that. I talked to managers about it and got good feedback and understanding, but the "team lead" (_leaders_ *LEAD*! And if they're not making you change shit and telling you to do it the bad way when you have more experience than them and know better, they're not _leading_.)

I eventually took the experience that I gained (I'm never not gaining experience, or I'm inclined to leave *much* earlier), and got another job. The person I interviewed with to work under swore of micro-management and espoused all the good things about working together ..... and then ended up being a mini-manager, control-ish, but not control-freak. PRs? Those took between 2 weeks and 6 weeks to get through.

I left there, for reasons of money. An old manager that I'd worked with for not but two months, at the real bad place with the micro-manager control freak, liked my get-shit-done attitude (and ability). I'm working with him now, at a *really* nice place so far.

- Do my job, get experience.
- Pretty much always get thank-yous, at the _very_ least
- Gain experience and knowledge, and anything that I can.
- switch things up, and grow some more. Hope for better, but it's not always so. When it's not, deal with it, and keep looking.

P.S. I did a big local grocery store pulling in carts returning random crap to the shelves, helping customers. I did the university auto shop where I sucked at my job, but did _everything_ I was supposed to - and got laid off for being too slow (I was chastized by coworkers for not skipping steps and being too slow -- then chastized by management for skipping the same one). I did university janitorial, which _sucked_, but I did it and they paid me for it -- it's work, and I did the best I could, and I asked for a promotion and got it. Yay, more janitorial, at 5:30AM every weekend day. I then worked for a small little computer shop for 10 years, because they gave me a job, then offered me a promotion as I was graduating.. and.. well, I didn't *need* to leave, so I just continued the same.

Now I'm strongly upper middle-class. I still do *any* work that is given to me, whether it's unloading boxes from a delivery truck, or setting up a deployment server, or writing an Ubuntu init script to boot from squashfs over NFS (rather than iSCSI). I'd say I'm content with my work, but really liking the current job, and I really like the variety I've had all throughout my life.

P.S. I'm the OP that you're talking about. Just do your job. Keep your eyes open and shift if/when you can. Do whatever you need to do, and make them want to keep you, and not *deal* with you. If they don't want to keep you, then leave. At the new place, maybe it'll be the same, maybe better, maybe worse. Do what you have to do, when you're done, do MORE, whatever your work is, and see how it goes.

Sometimes it's even better to get some-other important task done that get all of your work done. Someone's having trouble with the printer? Help them fix it. You didn't get all your items boxed? Get back to work and stay an extra 15 minutes. You helped them, they won't forget. What's 15 minutes of your time compared to the good-will that you just bought? It really does add up. Honestly I get more from helping other people get their jobs done that I get from getting my own job done -- just have to prioritize, not over-do it, and get as much done as you can.

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