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Journal Journal: To all tree huggers

I do not care about the lies that are going around claiming of "climate change" and "global warming." First of all, if you believe the lies coming from people like the great walking tree(Al Gore) then you should not be on this site or any other site due to the fact that you are polluting just by using your computers. If you did not realize that, I will forgive you and give you a moment as you turn off all of your devices and call the electric company to discontinue service.

Now for the environmentalists that are too stupid to realize that they are hypocrites or just want everyone else to change but themselves, WHY CAN'T YOU GIVE ACTUAL EVIDENCE? I have had someone reply to one of my posts stating that science is not about evidence it is about truth. How can there be any truth without evidence. Going off of that statement, I could say the truth is that I am the ruler of the world. But there would be no evidence because people like the fore mentioned person are not being loaded onto rockets and being shot out into space to get them out of our gene pool.

I can admit to being wrong, and I might be wrong about global warming being nothing but lies. But show me the evidence before arguing or I will assume that you are an idiot that follows the rest of the crowd. Show me research that shows all the data not just the conclusions, and that said data has been tested time and time again in lab and real world conditions that support said conclusions. Show me an environmentalist or a "scientist" that is studying the environment that is willing to actually debate the findings and not just say "we're doomed unless you listen to me."

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