Comment Just get out of the way (Score 2) 468
The current employer I work for saddles on a lot of bureaucracy and endless, tormenting meetings. Just get out of the way and let people get their work done.
The current employer I work for saddles on a lot of bureaucracy and endless, tormenting meetings. Just get out of the way and let people get their work done.
I agree with the idea, but not on the conclusion. Example:
In short, developing for iOS led to exposure and perceived value in the OS, not just for the development platform.
opt to receive a TSA rub-down
I prefer the colloquialism: Freedom Grope
I think your comparison is without merit. Lindows was obviously trying to ride on the coat-tails of Microsoft by using its name as a way to 'confuse' people into using Linux versus Windows. Linspire's own lawyers didn't even want to defend the case, as the article points out.
This on the other hand, is parody, a key ingredient to a successful defense.
They are not making a mockery of the system, the system has been at the funny farm for quite some time. They are just playing by the same 'rules' that Facebook are. Going after legit businesses with 'book' in their name is just as farcical as this.
Which is why I did not invest in the technology until it could be ripped. I was able to rip my Avatar BluRay disc the day it came out. Too bad those who don't resort to breaking the law are the ones left out in the cold. You'd think the jailer would get a clue.
Should private schools have the same authority?
If you have agreed to abide by a code of conduct, on or off campus, why not? The worst they could do is kick you out.
Don't you know that megapixel does mean resolution? Granted, that's using the equivalent language as "I navigate my bike to work", but it is still technically valid.
That and "Is that a bomb or a colostomy bag?".
No to mention Y2K was a pun of sorts for shortening 2000 to three bytes from four. Now we're taking more space than the original; Y2K16 vs 2016. Those COBOL programmers would be rolling in their graves.
Or is it just a cost of doing business. When weighed against using IT, how much productivity is gained, dollars earned, and dollars saved? Is great to spout out the costs, how about the benefits, too, for a real analysis?
Didn't experience any of those rules on my flight today, except that they didn't allow laptop operation when we touched down on the runway.
You reveal your own ignorance. Communism involves making all property (gasp!) communal. This means that there is no concept of personal property, and in its extremes, personal liberty. Communism's optimism hopes to subvert the supposed exploitation by the bourgeoisie and empower the subverted prols, creating a classless society.
Except that it doesn't end up being that way. Here's where it turns evil. The supposed classless society becomes even more stratified because, as Orwell put it, 'some are more equal than others'. The aristocracy gets more rich, while the poor (those whom the revolution 'attempt' to empower) are still taken advantage of and end up poorer than before.
And if that weren't enough, people start to figure out that this revolution crap isn't as glamorous as the head hog said it was going to be and try to escape. At which point the State has to start locking the border, demanding the possession of papers to travel, etc. to keep the people in. With Capitalism, we have to setup a god damn border and checkpoints to keep people out!
If lies, deceit, and hypocrisy aren't evil, I'm not sure what is. At least with Capitalism we eliminate any pretense of equality, the greatest sin against Communism.
So don't prowl around with your guttersnipe remarks about your paranoia, anti-paganistic nonsense. Go read Wikipedia yourself about the glam of Communism. I'm sure there are many through out history that would love to take your place.
I fail to see what is so evil about socialist/communist ideas. They don't work in practice but that doesn't make them evil.
Probably because you have to do evil things to people in order to practice them.
"Can't you just gesture hypnotically and make him disappear?" "It does not work that way. RUN!" -- Hadji on metaphyics and Mandrake in "Johnny Quest"