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User Journal

Journal Journal: Its been a long time, I shouldnt have left you, without etc

Its been a long time, I shouldnt have left you, without, without a dope journal entry. Yea, thanks etc. Sorta stopped writing for a few weeks. Been to Paris (GREAT FUN and more to follow), got lots and lots of action, fucked up my computer. So nothing new.

Paris was good. Must have drank....4 bottles of smirnoff over a week. Bah, what I can remember of it anyway. Futuroscope was LAME beyond doubt. Me and someone who went along (sara), went looking for an internet connection. Found one eventually, and even though they were free, the quality of those just can not be condemned. We even tried to use the pay for computers, but they wouldnt let us pay, so I was left with only half a hit of slashdottage.

Exam results come back on Thursday *yawn*. Will find out just how many retakes I need to do *rolls eyes*. Yippeeee.

Will write more sh*t later, some annoying guy called Joe keeps reading over my shoulder. Should really explain what a BLOG is to him.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Father Christmas Can't Exist

Its a bit late, but I just want to point out the main reason that Santa Claus/Father Christmas can't exist. For the past 3 years I have been asking for a stable OS, and not once has he delivered. How I yearn for a computer that could not crash. Ever

Oh, to be able to run with those who have uptime of over 200 hours is all I ask, a simple request, but alas, yet unfullfilled.

Speaking of unfullfillment, X-Box.

Does anyone know whether the vatican has recognised the internet yet? If they have, why don't they appoint a saint to it. No doubt, good ol' Bill will try for prime position, but Iam sure there are many good men....and many good men ( ;) ) who deserve to be saint of the internet.

Let us all take up arms for this cause, and possibly legs, depending upon how strongly you feel, and lets lobby the vatican church.

BUT, why stop there? Why actually ask the vatican? or any other religious institution! I put it to you all that the internet has indeed become a religion, with its own deitys (Linus, Bill *shudder* et al), customs and festivals.

So next time the census comes your way, you know what to put under relgion. Internet.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Hello World ;) 1

Well, first journal entry for me. I've been reading /. for lets see.....about 3 months now, and I've finally registered lol.
So, randomness....yup. Just sat a pure maths test today - A-level (UK examination), which frankly was mountains (that is mountains of SUUCCCKK ). Was nothing like past papers any of us had sat - had the usual leading questions, then suddenly KEBLAMO! Something totally new. Ah well, shit happens as they say. Am I allowed to say shit? Ah well, shit happens.

So, why is it when learning a new programming language people always start out on the Hello World thing? I remember when I learnt to program QBasic (yes, no compiler, but it was a fine beast imo), my first program was.....oh yeah, to generate 6 numbers between 1 and 49 for the national lottery in the UK lol.

Well, thats enough musings for you people to read here. Does anyone actually read this? Hrmmm, we'll sooooooOOOoon see wont we. No, thats right, we wont. Never mind.

Evnin' all

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