Journal Journal: King Arthur
Ok, I must say that I am a HUGE fan of the Arthurian Legend. It's one of my favorite legends of all times (No, the bible is not legend, it's history is Bible stories don't count) and I truly hate it when people piss with it.
That having been said, Jerry Bruckheimer's retelling of the Arthurian tale as some believe it might have actually happened was a throughly entertaining story. The cinematics were wonderful, the actors, while not well-known, were very good and the costumes were outstanding.
I know this one has been out for a while and actually, I was dreading seeing it because the pinnacle of the Arthurian movies for me up to this point has been "Excalibur" w/Nigel Terry as Arthur.
All in all, I give this one high marks. Good way to kill an evening.