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Comment Re:For shame (Score 1) 399

I currently eat almost no sugars. Almost means, that I have a dessert once or twice a month. My fat intake is limited only by choice of fats I use for cooking. Otherwise I eat mostly meat, vegetables and whole grain cereals. No carbohydrates like pasta, potatoes, flour etc. But it's different for each person. In my case I found out that I have a problem with pancreas. That causes me to store fat more efficiently... :(

Submission + - UK to imprison for inability to decrypt data

mrbluze writes: Ars technica has an article describing new laws which come into effect on 1st November in the UK. Up to 2 and 5 years imprisonment can be inflicted on any person who refuses or cannot provide keys or decrypt data as requested by police or military for criminal or anti-terror purposes, respectively. From the article:

The Home Office has steadfastly proclaimed that the law is aimed at catching terrorists, pedophiles, and hardened criminals — all parties which the UK government contends are rather adept at using encryption to cover up their activities.
It refers to a potential problem faced by international bankers who would be wary to bring their encryption keys into the UK. Some how I doubt that is the real problem with the law.

Submission + - Duped by Vidoop: New Authentication Scheme Broken

An anonymous reader writes: A new authentication scheme for banks, Vidoop, was unveiled recently that is supposedly invulnerable to "all prevalent forms of hacking" (according to their TV commercial on YouTube). Harvard and CommerceNet researchers announced that they broke the scheme in a few hours, and they posted a video of the attack. The attack is similar to the attack on Bank of America's Sitekey that was demoed by the boarding pass guy and related to the Harvard study on SiteKey that shows how easily users get phished.

Submission + - Microsoft Surpasses Java's Dynamic Language Suppor

Floyd writes: Microsoft's announcement of the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR) has caused quite a stir in many areas, also in the Java space. Many voices seem convinced that the DLR has given .NET a major head start over the JVM, because it solves many problems Java is only just starting to realize. InfoQ took a look at the current situation of dynamic language support and how it compares to the DLR.

Submission + - Montana Store Has No Problem With Used CDs

hendrix2k writes: "As we saw in kdawson's submission on May 7th, some states are taking great measures to keep people from burning CDs and selling them used. In Missoula, Montana, however, one record store has no problem with selling an album, letting you burn it, then paying half price for the "used" CD. From the article:

It's a simple policy, really: Standard computer software allows the owner of a CD to copy (aka "rip") to the computer hard drive a CD's tracks, which can then be copied to another recordable CD ("burned") and played, uploaded to any variety of MP3 players — or given to a friend. You then take the CD back to Budget within two days, and you'll get half of what you bought it for in cash.

Submission + - Recent activity on DIGG, is DIGG really useful?

xploraiswakco writes: With the recent activity over Digg.com vs AACS, how valid do you think Digg.com is? Add to that there are many that think Digg.com is easy to hack and therefore falsify it's listings (this is I believe what really happened, hackers didn't want the AACS "stuff" to be removed, it isn't that hard for hackers to get there virus "bots" to register and vote. (This is my opinion).

So what do you think?

Not Valid
Very Valid
Can't live without it.
I don't care, where is my fish, the answer was 42

Submission + - Zimmerman Getting Heart Surgery

An anonymous reader writes: Phil Zimmermann has been experiencing difficulties with his heart and is slated for bypass heart surgery tomorrow. In true geek fashion, he's updating his status at http://www.philzimmermann.com/heart/. I believe a moment's pause is in order for one of the veterans of the Crypto Wars.

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