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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 4 declined, 2 accepted (6 total, 33.33% accepted)

The Internet

Submission + - Free Podcasting Hosts

TheZorch writes: "I'm looking for a free online Podcast hosting site which offers RSS feeds. The feeds are important for submitting to iTunes. I found Odeo however uploading to the site is difficult and hangs about half-way most of the time.
Currently my Podcasts are being stored at Archive.org, the Creative Commons Internet Archive, but the site doesn't generate RSS feeds which allow you to post your podcasts on iTunes. Uploading large files via HTTP is a pain even on a cable modem. I'd prefer to be able to do it via FTP.

Does anyone know of a good free Podcasting host with RSS feeds and reliable uploads for large files.? You're assistance would be greatly appreciated."

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