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Comment Re:partimage? (Score 1) 133

I have not used partimage in a long time either but I had great results when I did. I imaged a couple hundred WindowsXP boxes without problems. The biggest thing I ran into was having to set the sector offset in the bootloader when a partition moved from one place on a box to another. Another that I had a lot of luck with though not as 'pretty' as partimage is ntfsclone which is part of ntfsprogs. -Alan

Comment Rules and Rapid Net (Score 1) 374

Some rules and technologies my company has adopted:

Between racks
1. Raised floor for air only, high ceilings for air buffer and room for overhead wiring, hot and cold aisle partitioning including doors at the end of aisles
2. Power in conduit immediately above racks
3. Cable ladders above power for Cat6, cable bundles are zip tied to ladders every second or third cross rung
4. Fiber trays above cable trays for fiber
5. Run cables from the rack to a row of 2 post rack w/ patch panels in a network cage
6. Run cables from devices in another parallel row(high density line cards etc) to more 2 post racks in the first row via ladders running parallel and perpendicular to rows
7. Use horizontal runs between rack and device patch panels to patch racks to infrastructure
8. Dedicated 2 post racks for telco DMARC gear in another row again, perpendicular cable ladders between rows
9. Clearly label everything using wire wrap labeler

In the racks
1. Use appropriate lengths for everything, fiber, patch and power
2. Label everything using wire wrap labeler
3. Use velcro straps as in rack cabling can change more frequently

In specific we use RapidNet, you order pre terminated modules that you clip into 19" panels, they come terminated, tested and strapped in bundles of 6. Once your cable ladders and trays are up you know how long your runs are.
Some good pictures in:
Check out page 9 for some similar to what I described above w/ different racks/cross connects.

Comment Re:It's a scanner people can use (Score 3, Insightful) 835

This is exactly right. Try teaching a 55+ yr old accountant or bookkeeper when he/she should use black&white vs color, 150 vs 300 vs 600 dpi and the difference between JPEG, TIFF and PDF. Then teach them how to enter their email address on the network scanner printer using only the number keys then how to forward that email without sending it to 500 other people accidentally and without blowing up email quotas. - OR - you can teach them to put the original in the feeder, punch in a phone number, press send.

The truth is even many fax machines have different photo/text settings, contrast settings, quality settings but no one other than us IT types ever considers those.

Comment Possible Solution (Score 1) 97

My company uses OpenLDAP for user authentication in the datacenter and ran across a strange problem that seems very similar to this. It was present in at least OpenLDAP 2.4.16. We tracked it down to a weird problem in the password policy overlay. If I recall right it was the password policy overlay was returning a successful response to updating the last failed login time attribute but that was being passed up and causing binds to return true also. Our solution was to remove the password policy overlay and we have not gone back to revisit it.

I do not know if OpenLDAP in Lion uses the password policy overlay but if it does it would be an easy test to disable it and see if the problem persists. I post here because I don't really feel like registering to a Mac related forum that I will only post once on. I hope someone finds this and finds it useful.

Comment ISP's, Online song Purchases - Not the solution (Score 1) 818

The solution to the problem is not offering legal ways of getting digital music nor is it to force ISPs to prevent it. Much research goes to show that the harder you close your fist the more that slips through your fingers so to speak. Those who disagree will rebel!

The problem is the way the music industry is run. The result is a prisoner's dilemma[wikipedia] where the consumers and the artists are on the losing end of the equation.

I would assert that most people who download music are not against the artists making money off of their works. I would put forth that the problem is disdain for the system by which the recording industry makes most of the profit.

If the music (and for that matter movie industry) were structured so that everyone involved made a fair share of money and fair prices were offered everyone would benefit. No more prisoner's dilemma. Consumers get variety of music at a reasonable price, the recording industry makes money and so do the artists. But alas capitalism at work...

Just an aside, I criticize capitalism but only in its practiced form. I am not a communist, fascist or anything the like. I simply believe that capitalism can be run in a way where everyone gets a good deal.

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