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Comment Re:Beauty of Capitalism (Score 1) 110

Didn't you see The Astronaut Farmer? The government won't just let you build your own rocket...

Seriously though, NASA has placed restrictions in the past and it just recently became more open.

Look at the human genome project, private sector is doing better.

Plus the private sector will always invest if there is potential profit, THAT is the beauty of capitalism. :-)

Comment Re:Don't take the bait (Score 1) 307

That depends on what you consider performance. Yes there is some overhead, mostly memory but memory is cheap. I'd rather use more memory and have a faster and more stable browser. Then again, if Firefox fixed their memory management problems it would probably be faster and more stable.

Not sure how having the Chrome tabs and pages use different UI code makes it easier to crash. A website shouldn't ever modify the OS UI parts. The separate memory space feature isn't a killall solution but it does make it less susceptible to some exploits. Session cookies aren't shared between tabs.

Comment How is this Apples fault? (Score 1, Troll) 437

So wait, you're complaining that your costs are high and you have to compete with cheaper, inferior products? What is Apple supposed to do? Figure out how to lower your cost, or raise prices and market more. Convince people that your app is worth paying a few more dollars for. You don't even have a solution, all I hear is whining...

Comment Re:You mean physical memory right :-) (Score 1) 983

Yes the translation of addresses isn't a big deal but page swapping off the hard drive is the slow down. I also run x64 Vista and recently upgraded to 8GB of RAM (it's so damn cheap nowadays!). I turned off virtual memory and haven't had any problems. I've always heard that Windows pre-caches data based on how much memory you have so I figured disabling virtual memory would prevent any hard faults and 8GB should be plenty for what I do.

Submission + - Rock band uses surveillance cameras for video (jessemandel.com)

Supergibbs writes: "A pretty creative and low cost music video. From the article:

"An unsigned rock band from Manchester, England didn't have the money to make a professional video for its new song, 'Paper.' But The Get Out Clause had an idea: why not use some of the 13 million surveillance cameras that keep a watchful eye on British citizens? So the band played to some 80 surveillance cameras in its home town, requested the footage under a freedom of information law, then used the clips to make a video.""


Submission + - Weezer music video includes viral internet videos

Supergibbs writes: "The music video for Weezer's new single, "Pork and Beans", was released today on YouTube. It includes clips and parodies of about 20 viral internet videos. Many of the videos used are listed by Weezer, the rest I've listed on my personal blog. The rest of the self titled album (also [to be] known as "The Red Album") is coming out June 3rd."

Submission + - WGA Strike NOT over!

Supergibbs writes: "The announcement that the Writers' Guild strike is over is false. From my source in the media industry, I heard it's because they are trying to put on pressure so the Grammys don't get canceled. If the networks say the strike is over and then the WGA says it's not, the WGA will look bad. That is the idea at least..."

Submission + - TrueCrypt 5.0 Released

Supergibbs writes: "Today, the next major version of TrueCrypt 5.0 was released. TrueCrypt is an awesome, open source security application that allows you to make an encrypted drive or partition. Great for a secure USB drive. It's cross platform and supports a variety of encryption algorithms. As of this submission, the site is overwhelmed but when the dust clears go check it out. Until then, more information is available at Wikipedia"

Stealthy Windows Update Raises Serious Concerns 362

UniversalVM writes "What is the single biggest issue that bothers open source advocates about proprietary software? It is probably the ability of the vendor to pull stunts like Microsoft's recent stealth software update and subsequent downplaying of any concerns. Their weak explanation seems to be a great exercise in circular logic: 'Had we failed to update the service automatically, users would not have been able to successfully check for updates and, in turn, users would not have had updates installed automatically or received expected notifications.' News.com is reporting that all of the updated files on both XP and Vista appears to be in windows update itself. This is information that was independently uncovered by users and still not released by Microsoft."
The Internet

Is Dedicated Hosting for Critical DTDs Necessary? 140

pcause asks: "Recently there was a glitch, when someone at Netscape took down a page that had an important DTD (for RSS), used by many applications and services. This got me thinking that many or all of the important DTDs that software and commerce depend on are hosted at various commercial entities. Is this a sane way to build an XML based Internet infrastructure? Companies come and go all of the time; this means that the storage and availability of those DTDs is in constant jeopardy. It strikes me that we need an infrastructure akin to the root server structure to hold the key DTDs that are used throughout the industry. What organization would be the likely custodian of such data, and what would be the best way to insure such an infrastructure stays funded?"

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Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother. - Kahlil Gibran
