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Comment As a Seattle-ite I can't wait to shoot one. (Score 2) 144

Drones? Are you fucking kidding me! Didn't the SPD learn anything from the WTO Battle in Seattle or #OccupySeattle? Obviously not. That's OK. I have a 270 degree view from my rooftop here in N Admiral. I can see all of downtown. One question: How long before folks start aiming for them... Don't worry Diaz; I don't own a gun.

Comment white, pink, & brown noise MP3 files (Score 1) 474

OP, You may want to try white noise (, pink noise (, and (my favorite) brown noise ( as well as things like waterfalls, surf, hail storms, etc. Then again, you may wanna just move to a quiet street. I grew up on a main drag with 4 lanes of traffic and a light rail down the middle a block and a half from the police & fire stations. Guess what? As an adult I *insist* on quiet neighborhoods. I've lived next door to 2 cemeteries. Best neighbors I ever had.

Submission + - Microsoft Won't Say If Skype Is Secure Or Not. Time to change? (

jetcityorange writes: "When asked repeatedly a Microsoft spokesperson refused to confirm or deny that Skype conversations. Microsoft was granted a patent a month after purchasing Skype that covers for “legal intercept” technology designed to be used with VOIP services. Is it time to consider more secure alternatives like Jitsi [] like Tor's Jacob Appelbaum suggests?"

Submission + - U.N. Backs Net Freedom (

jetcityorange writes: "The United Nations Human Rights Council comes out in favor of net freedom. "It's the first ever U.N. resolution affirming that human rights in the digital realm must be protected and promoted to the same extent and with the same commitment as human rights in the physical world," said U.S. ambassador Eileen Donahoe. All of this was inspired by the role the internet & especially social media played in the Arab Spring.

China, are you listening?"

Comment But will it play in Bluffdale? (Score 1) 454

Hats off to the venerable Steve Gibson for an excellent teaching aid. If nothing else he presents an interactive tool that begins to highlight how stoopid your pet's name, spouse's birthday, or favorite song title is. For most folks, current company excepted, trying to explain how to measure number space for a given password length & character set is a useless exercise. That said, the Password Haystack motivated me to harden my passwords. 1.65 hundred centuries using a Massive Cracking Array Scenario works for me. Can you say "Bluffdale 84065"?

Submission + - John Draper (Cap'n Crunch) benefit (

jetcityorange writes: Charity auction for John Draper (Cap'n Crunch) of an original Cap'n Crunch whistle from the cereal box *and* a copy of the June 72 issue of Ramparts with the article on how to make a black box. All proceeds go directly to John Draper to help him after his recent surgery.

Phone phreaks unite! An elder needs our help!

Jerry Whiting
JetCityOrange / Seattle


Brain Surgery Linked To Sensation of Spirituality 380

the3stars writes "'Removing part of the brain can induce inner peace, according to researchers from Italy. Their study provides the strongest evidence to date that spiritual thinking arises in, or is limited by, specific brain areas. This raises a number of interesting issues about spirituality, among them whether or not people can be born with a strong propensity towards spirituality and also whether it can be acquired through head trauma." One critic's quoted response: "It's important to recognize that the whole study is based on changes in one self-report measure, which is a coarse measure that includes some strange items."
The Internet

Submission + - Our Pogoplug is now our web server! (

JetCityOrange writes: " is the one of the first web sites hosted on a Pogoplug, the incredibly small Linux appliance from CloudEngines. The Pogoplug is a mere 4" x 2.5" x 2" and ours runs Linux, Nginx, and PHP.

It lives in the offices of Azalea Software [Seattle WA] alongside a Thinkpad hosting JetCityOrange's Lava Lite webcam and a Mac running Vidalia a.k.a. Tor. The Pogoplug is in good company.

AzaleaRSS is a free RSS editor written for Microsoft Excel 2003 and Excel 2007. The RSS 2.0 files it creates are the basis for feeds, podcasts, and webcasts. is a resource with information on the RSS spec, how to create RSS feeds from Google Calendars, YouTube channels, Flickr accounts and more. RSS is a powerful web publishing technique and AzaleaRSS strives to spread the word."


Submission + - YouTube Username Dispute

An anonymous reader writes: Hi there, I am user NativeInstruments in the YouTube community. I have received a request from the head of public relations of Native Instruments gmbh to handover the account because they would like to open their own channel. I asked what I could expect for my trouble. He has offered me $500 and threatened legal action if I do not respond by this sunday because they want to open the channel ASAP. So my questions to the slashdot community are mostly; is this what YouTube and communities are about? Are there any potential legal actions that can be taken against me? Are there examples of YouTube or Google accomodating corporate interest over individuals? Should I just give them the account? Any advice is appreciated since I value slashdot contributors' insight highly. Thank you!

Submission + - How To Pass a Silicon Valley Software Interview

An anonymous reader writes: Googler Paul Tyma tells what he looks for when interviewing people — at Google and his own startup. He gives a specific question that most interviewees get wrong, but his mom got right! Some of this is common sense, but it's definitely a good read if you're interviewing for hardcore software engineering positions.

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