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Comment Re:Unexplained Achievement "The Maker"? (Score 1) 1582

As far as the total achievements go, I think it is a true sum of all the instances of each achievement. However, next to each achievement, it only shows the most significant power of two in the binary representation. So, if you have 70 +5 posts, it will only show 2^6 next to that achievement, but will contribute the full 70 points to the total.

Comment Re:Nvidia have already open sourced what they can (Score 2, Informative) 134

It's likely that your reinstall on every boot is necessary because your distribution includes several open source replacement drivers which interfere with the one you installed. This can be fixed via adding

DISABLED_MODULES="nvidia nvidia_legacy nvidia_new"

to /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common , or something like it.

Comment Our US Army even cheats in real life war games (Score 3, Informative) 636

I suppose it's not surprising that we're losing in Iraq given that the people in charge of the military seem to be idiots. Our men and women and Iraqi civilians dying over there because of idiot officers and politicians.

I remember reading about the military's cheating a while back. Here's a little background about how the US spent $253 million dollars on Middle East war games in 2002 and fixed it so they would win.


Journal Journal: FreeMeshNet : Making Free Speech Free

Not being a technical person, I literally learned about wireless mesh networks just this week after reading about the MIT One Laptop Per Child project. I was immediately fascinated by the concept of mesh networks and did a web search to see if there was a chance I could be part of one.

No such luck.

Imagine if free speech were free (well $50 one-time hardware cost)

United States

Journal Journal: Is the American Economic Bubble Getting Ready to Burst?

I've always likened government spending under this administration to a person who doesn't want to work so they quit their job (lower taxes) but maintain their standard of living through spending their home equity (trade deficit) and maxing out all of their credit cards (federal budget deficit). Sure, the economy can seem like it's doing great when you're spending 500 billion you don't have.

What happens when there's no more credit left?

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All seems condemned in the long run to approximate a state akin to Gaussian noise. -- James Martin
