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Comment Re:It seems ironic... (Score 1) 1147

No, that's not true. It's very possible that some terms are enforceable and valid while other terms are not. Apple takes a risk in trying to enforce the "on Apple hardware only" clause, and I am sure even their own lawyers have cautioned against risking a judgment which states that this clause is not enforceable. I say this as a Mac user and a promoter of Apple products. That doesn't mean I think a company should get carte blanche authority to determine how its products can be used. If you want to fully control something, don't sell it as a product on the market.

Comment Re:Is there a gas leak in here? (Score 1) 1147

How is it that when someone expresses an opinion that they consider Apple to be worth it, that's "fanatical" but when you express the opposite it's just a reasoned difference of opinion? Whackos are everywhere, and I don't notice any difference in the volume of devout Windows lovers who troll Mac forums than the number of Mac zealots who troll Windows forums.

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