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Comment Very unfortunate... (Score 0, Redundant) 426

"Next-Gen Nuclear Power Plant Breaks Ground In China"

Oh no, that is very unfortunate, I'm sad to hear about the breakage.

Do they yet know how much ground has been broken? Is it severely broken?

I suspect that this has been caused by the atomic radiation from the power plant.

Let's hope that the Chinese can get that ground fixed, they need all the space they need as there are so many of them.

Comment Privacy options (Score 1) 474

You seem to worry much about losing your privacy. Most social networking sites have rather extensive privacy settings, so you get to select in detail what should be revealed and to whom.

The problem of course then is that managing these privacy settings can be quite tricky, if you don't have a clear picture of what knobs you have available to turn.

Here is a rather recent and extensive walk-through of the most central privacy settings Facebook offers:

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