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Comment Re:Lifting fingers... (Score 1) 255

You don't need to lift both fingers for a left or right click. For a left click, all you have to do is click the mouse and it will register as a left click. The point is that for a right click, you have to lift your left finger (so that only the right half of the surface is being touched, so that when you click, it realizes it is a right click). To be clear, the Magic Mouse is not like the laptop trackpad (I noticed you mentioned left and right tapping). The whole mouse is still one large physical button, so you still have to click to register an actual click. I think this is why you're asking what you do with your fingers after that, and your concern that when you put your finger or fingers down it will register as a click.

Comment Re:There are politics to this (Score 3, Interesting) 126

In all seriousness, it will cause an interesting moral choice for those people then. As you said, there are people who genuinely hold those values, but I don't think it would be such an easy cut and dry decision for some of them if it could mean something like restoring sight. Or, say, even if not for them, but if the sight of one of their children could be restored. Not saying everyone would give in, but it would not always be an easy choice. Not to put it on the same level, but it's like how many people have an objection on paper to something like abortion, but when actually confronted with it, they don't always act based on their objections.

Comment Re:saying. "Fast forward to the 21st century" (Score 1) 504

Come on, you know what I mean. Yes, you could buy a used car perhaps for $2000, but I'm talking about the cost of new cars. Either way, the point was about what most cars cost, and I was saying you shouldn't expect the market to price something to accommodate the people who don't really need or use that product much.

I have no idea what your tangent onto the issue of things being released into the public domain has to do with a discussion of the cost of new games though. And going into the public domain is not a requirement for the price of something to change over time. Most games go down in price very rapidly, especially now. Most games that are a year old are reduced in half or more.... a couple years old and they're usually slashed to a third of their old price or less.

I'm honestly not sure what point you're making about the extension of copyright and the price of videogames, because the cost of videogames drops much faster than would be relevant in terms of a copyright expiring or going into the public domain.

Comment Re:saying. "Fast forward to the 21st century" (Score 2, Insightful) 504

But isn't that kind of like saying "No car is worth more than $2000 to me, because I hardly ever drive"? It doesn't seem like the general value of something (as opposed to the individual value you would place on it) should be dictated by what the smaller minority of people who wouldn't use it regularly would be willing to pay for it.

Not saying you're wrong - I actually agree with you in general. As I've found myself playing less games, I've really cut down on paying $50 or $60 for a game when I know I won't play it for more than a few hours. I'll still buy a game if I know I'll get a lot of value out of it.

But my main point is, I don't think they need to reprice games based on people like you and I who don't play much and therefore don't find full price to be worth paying. Going back to my car analogy, I wouldn't expect them to start selling cars for $2000 to satisfy the small contingent of people who rarely if ever drive and therefore wouldn't pay more than that for a car.


Submission + - Obama Boosts Broadband in 2008 Announcement Speech

Arlen writes: "As many as 17,000 people (according to police estimates) watched Senator Barack Obama officially announce his candidacy for President in Springfield Illinois today, he mentioned several things that Slashdotters will be interested in. The Senator said he wanted to free America from what he called "the tyranny of oil," and went on to promote alternative energy sources such as ethanol (a big political winner in the midwest where he announced, because of all the corn farmers). He also talked about using science and technology to help those with chronic diseases, which is likely to have been an allusion to his staunch support of stem cell research. Perhaps most of interest to Slashdotters however is that Obama made the following statement halfway through his speech: "Let's invest in scientific research, and let's lay down broadband lines through the heart of inner cities and rural towns all across America. We can do that." Like nearly everything in his speech, this was met with robust applause from the crowd. You can watch a video of the entire speech at Obama's website."

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