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Microsoft Helps Adobe Block PDF Zero-Day Exploit 93

CWmike writes "Microsoft has urged Windows users to block ongoing attacks against Adobe's popular PDF viewer by deploying one of Microsoft's enterprise tools. Adobe echoed Microsoft's advice, saying the Enhanced Migration Experience Toolkit (EMET) would stymie attacks targeting Reader and Acrobat. Called 'scary' and 'clever,' the in-the-wild exploit went public last week when security researcher Mila Parkour reported it to Adobe after analyzing a rogue PDF document attached to spam. Adobe first warned users Wednesday of the threat, but at the time gave users no advice on how to protect themselves until a patch was ready. Microsoft stepped in on Friday. 'The good news is that if you have EMET enabled ... it blocks this exploit,' said Fermin Serna and Andrew Roths, two engineers with the Microsoft Security Response Center in an entry on the group's blog." A Symantec blog post suggests the people exploiting this vulnerability may be the 'Aurora' group responsible for the attacks on Google late last year.

China Says Google Pledged To Obey Censorship Demands 177

bonhomme_de_neige writes "China renewed Google's internet license after it pledged to obey censorship laws and stop automatically switching mainland users to its unfiltered Hong Kong site, an official said. Google promised to 'obey Chinese law' and avoid linking to material deemed a threat to national security or social stability, said Zhang Feng, director of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's Telecoms Development Department, at a news conference." Update: 07/21 21:56 GMT by S : Changed headline to reflect that this is mainly just China trying to paint a better picture of the outcome. In a comment on the linked article, a Google representative said, "This piece suggests that Google has 'bowed' to censorship. That is not correct. We have been very clear about our committment [sic] to not censor our products for users in China. The products we have kept on Google.cn (Music, Translate, Product Search) do not require any censorship by Google. Other products, like web search, we are offering from Google.com.hk, and without censorship." If you go to google.cn, you can see the prominent link to the Hong Kong version of the site.

Comment Re:I need it NOW (Score 2) 120

The National Broadband Network (NBN) is a Layer-2 wholesale network; your IP carriage (or whatever else is run over the fibre) is provided by your retailer, who buy access to the layer 2 wholesale network from NBN Co., the government-owned company that is building and administering the network.

I would think that litigation for copyright violations etc would then be more likely to fall on the retailer, who has a direct relationship with the end user; as the wholesaler, NBN Co. does not.

Comment Re:Route filtering (Score 2, Interesting) 139

What about ISPs whose customers bring their own portable IP address space along with them, and then multi-home? (i.e. have two or more ISPs, and request BGP peering with both?)

The directly-connected ISPs can do their checks to make sure that their customer owns that IP address and adjust their filters accordingly... but anybody else with BGP peering to these ISPs (i.e. other ISPs) can only hope and pray that their peers are doing the right thing. Blind faith might not be good enough.

As I understand it, SBGP would implement PKI and digital signatures to ensure that only someone who actually *owns* a particular netblock/ASN can advertise a route for it.

Currently, anyone can advertise pretty much anything and it's only individual ISPs filtering settings that would prevent it getting propagated.

Comment Re:google.com.tw (Score 3, Informative) 295

Hong Kong also uses Traditional Chinese, and there are differences in word usages etc between HK written Chinese and mainland written Chinese.

Google have specially made a Simplified Chinese version and are hosting it out of google.com.hk, aimed at mainlanders. When you access google.com.hk from a browser that is configured to ask for pages in Simplified Chinese, google.com.hk delivers you that version.

It even says under the search box (in simplified Chinese), "Welcome to the new home of Google in China!".

Comment Re:Did I miss something? (Score 1) 295

I had a conversation with a Chinese friend once about censorship of anti-government sentiment in China, he agreed with me that there are a lot of things Chinese people don't like about their government. Guess what his number one gripe with the government was? "That I have to get a visa to go to Hong Kong! It's the same damn country!".

So you're right, I think feeling second class to Hong Kong is an issue for the mainlanders.

Comment Re:What's the impact? (Score 1) 687

This survey on a Chinese news website (admittedly one run by the Gov't, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's rigged) asks the questions:

1. Will Google exiting from China affect your use of the Internet?

Yes - 43.4% (2032 votes)
No - 56.6% (2645 votes)

2. What search engine do you use most often?

Baidu - 78.5% (3714 votes)
Google - 19.2% (907 votes)
Sougou - 0.8% (36 votes)

and the rest are so small I won't bother listing them .. but they include, Yahoo, Bing, and a number of other Chinese search sites.

Comment Re:Is it? (Score 4, Informative) 687

When google goes (and with that youtube etc etc) it will be noticed far more clearly then some dissident being locked up.

I don't know that Google will be missed as much as you think it will be, and foreign websites disappearing from the Chinese internet is a regular enough occurrence that it hardly rates a mention anymore.

YouTube has been gone (blocked) for a year+ now. Same with Facebook, which was blocked just as it was achieving some popularity in China.The average Chinese person doesn't use Google, YouTube or Facebook. They use the local versions: Baidu, Youku and Kaixinwang.

That said, I would prefer to see Google stay in China, even with a little bit of censorship. The Chinese internet is already so disconnected from the internet that we know, but having a player like Google is at least a small bridge over the divide.

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