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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 10 declined, 0 accepted (10 total, 0.00% accepted)


Submission + - Mandatory Television Programming?

Bones3D_mac writes: I've noticed in the last couple days that my DirecTV Plus DVR reciever has recently started to covertly record programming I did not specifically request. While this isn't necessarily a problem by itself, it has become a problem in that I cannot choose to delete, block or opt-out from receiving this content. Instead, I'm apparently "required" to receive this content and forced to keep it stored on my DVR drive until a time and date of DirecTV's choosing, all under the guise of a "feature" called Showcase.

Even more interesting, is that the channel this unwanted content originates from cannot be accessed manually. Also, it doesn't show up in any menu or recording schedule, rendering it invisible and completely unpredictable to the user.

Aside from the obvious inconveniences involved (hijacked disk space, seemingly random interruptions of multi-channel recordings, etc... ), it also raises an important question.

Are we headed for a "Max Headroom"-style future where mandatory television viewing will somehow become required by law? I'd hate to think the only option I have is to throw a towel over my TV screen so I can't see it.

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