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Comment Re:Go Obama (Score 1, Insightful) 1505

Fiscally responsible? Seriously? He received a raw deal budget wise from Bush, but his own proposed budget for 2010 is $1.178 TRILLION (source: Indeed he's projecting less of a deficit than 2009's budget. Hooray!! But this kind of proposed spending is hardly fiscally responsible.


Submission + - What are my rights in a patent case?

An anonymous reader writes: Over the past year, I've created an online budgeting website as a hobby in my spare time. Around Christmas, I was contacted by an IP lawyer claiming this site is infringing on one of his client's patents. The specific feature in question is the ability to specify a paycheck and allocate funds from that paycheck into categories. (How that could be patented, I have no idea. But that's a question for another day.) I'm not convinced that I'm actually infringing on the patent. They mentioned claims 1 and 12 of patent #7,213,064. The issue hasn't gone to court, we are just discussing it via email. They mentioned the desire for settlement. How would I go about proving prior art? What are my rights in the matter?

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