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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 13 declined, 4 accepted (17 total, 23.53% accepted)


Submission + - GCHQ to recruit via Xbox (

evilandi writes: "According to the Guardian, in an odd shadow of Stargate Universe and countless other sci-fi-organisation-recruits-gamers B-movie plotlines, the UK's GCHQ covert communications interception base is advertising for recruits via Xbox Live. A well-spoken lady in a grey suit said that "many potential candidates remain unaware of GCHQ and what we do. Using video on Xbox LIVE helps carry our message to the right people in a creative and innovative manner""
The Almighty Buck

Submission + - "Strong doubts" about Pirate Bay acquisiti (

evilandi writes: "cnet reports: Wayne Rosso, the former president of Grokster, has walked away from Global Gaming Factory because of "strong doubts" the Swedish company has enough funds to acquire The Pirate Bay. Global Gaming, a Swedish software company, made big news last month by announcing plans to acquire The Pirate Bay for $7.8 million. Hans Pandeya, Global Gaming's CEO, then hired Rosso to negotiate legal music and film licensing deals on the company's behalf. "I and my colleagues have very strong doubts that the funding is in place," Rosso said. "And there are other issues regarding Mr. Pandeya's credibility that trouble us greatly.""

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