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Comment CDNs are good thing (Score 3, Insightful) 164

While I totally agree that overriding NXDOMAIN responses is evil, returning different DNS responses based on the clients location or for load balancing purposes is an extremely useful technique for last companies serving a large amount of web traffic. For example, check out what www.google.com resolves to from different countries or even at different times - depending on where you look it up from and what network links are up, you will get a different set of IPs.

Sure, determining a browser's location from the DNS client source IP is not totally reliable .. but it is accurate enough to significantly improve user-visible responsiveness by avoiding un-necessary cross-planet network traffic. And even if google gets it wrong, they are no worse off than if they never implemented this in the first place.

Comment Re:They Aren't the ISPs Bits to Sell (Score 1) 439

Wrong wrong wrong!

Do you think Comcast has a connection they own all the way to every website you visit? Of course not .. which means that they have to pay higher-tier internet providers for links of various speeds. If Comcast's customers then generate too much traffic for those links, they have to pay more for greater capacity.

And even at the tier-1 ISP level, fibre in the ground or under the ocean only has limited capacity. When that gets used up, they have to lay more fibre .. why else do you think ISPs and telcos have been building new undersea and cross-country cables?

Comment Many errors in this story (Score 2, Informative) 461

Since I live in the area where this happened and it was reported extensively on the local news, I noticed *many* errors in TFA, such as :

- Morgan Hill was not specifically targeted .. the cuts were in San Jose and Santa Clara. At most, Morgan Hill was collateral damage.

- Cables were cut in four different locations, so there was no single point of failure.

- Hosting everything at your site might help in cases like this, but is your mail really more reliable if managed by a part-time sysadmin on a single $1000 box, or at Google where they have triple-redundant everything?

Comment Re:does a bear poo in the woods? (Score 1) 125

your credit cards you carry around? the PIN number isn't stored on the card - but an MD5 hash of the PIN number *is* stored on the card (making replay attacks possible, believe it or not).

I sure as hell hope not! If that was the case, anyone with a card reader could brute-force your PIN in under a second by taking the MD5 hash of all 4 digit numbers, and comparing them to be hash that is supposedly on the card.

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