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Comment Re:Too bad it's WD (Score 1) 313

I've had the similar experiences. Mine usually make it to just a month outside the warranty period. One had the distinct honor of only lasting 3 weeks. I was able to recover most of the data, but after that incident, like you, I've only bought non-WD drives. I've had 5 WD drives die. All my other drives have outlived the WD drives by a long shot.

Comment Re:RAID 1 (Score 1) 393

I decided to go with the Drobo. It works as a JBOD raid, and you can mix and match disks and capacities. The drawback with the drobo is that it doesn't have a native networking capability. For that you need to buy a droboshare, or hook it up to a box & share it. And it has USB2, and 1394b, but not 1394a. So if you don't currently have firewire 800 capabilities, I recommend you get a card immediately if you choose to hook it up to a PC.

Comment Re:Linux on the desktop (Score 1) 515

I ran a test on my home pc on, and noticed that on the same pc, that largely my download speeds were very similar but my upload speed had changed significantly from the ubuntu install vs. the vista install.

On Ubuntu (9.04): 19612kbps down; 6851kbps up
On Vista: 19259kbps down; 18703kbps up

My ISP is Verizon.


Wiretapping Program Ruled Legal 575

BuhDuh writes "The New York Times is carrying a story concerning that well known bastion of legal authority, the 'Foreign Intelligence Surveillance' court, which has ruled that the National Security Agency's warrantless eavesdropping program was perfectly legal. It says, 'A federal intelligence court, in a rare public opinion, is expected to issue a major ruling validating the power of the president and Congress to wiretap international phone calls and intercept e-mail messages without a court order, even when Americans' private communications may be involved, according to a person with knowledge of the opinion.'"

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