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Submission + - Kite 1.0.0 released ( 1

mind21_98 writes: "Hi all! Kite 1.0.0 has been released after almost two years of development. There have been many changes since the last beta, all of them helpful to the overall programming experience. The language is designed for ease-of-use and small size, while allowing people to expand the language within the capabilities of the system the interpreter is running on. More information is available from the home page or from the Freshmeat page, and downloads are available for both Windows and Unix."

Comment Or... (Score 1) 338

The newspapers could adapt to changing technology. Although, it looks like they are already. I see more and more newspapers becoming online-only, for better or worse. The "major" ones will probably continue print editions, but they'll be only on Sundays or something. How this will effect people who can't get the Internet, I don't know, but it's one of the few ways they can stay profitable.

Comment High-end isn't in demand anymore. (Score 4, Interesting) 195

Abit specialized in high-end motherboards back in the day. I'm not too surprised that they're closing now; most people are going with laptops now, and the people who get desktops get sub-$1k machines, anyway. Hell, most desktops seem to be less than $500 now.

Oh well, at least Gigabyte's still around. *hugs his mobo*

Comment Answer's obvious. (Score 5, Interesting) 126

The FBI is supposed to get the whole truth out. Unfortunately, there are people who want to bring politics into enforcing the law, so we need checks and balances on the entire government. That's where the media comes in. Mark Felt did do the right thing, even though it was incredibly difficult for him at the time. RIP, Mark. (now, whether we'd have the balls to do that today, or the attention span to see it through, is another question entirely. I don't think we do, quite honestly, judging by the multiple scandals that have gone seemingly unpunished during the Bush administration.)

Comment Not hard to program that kind of thing. (Score 1) 34

Really, it's a graph that you create a topological ordering from in order to execute the correct sequence of actions. The cool part is seeing the end results of that sort of thing (and what algorithms and AI can do), not the exact implementation details. Although, I guess they're doing all this faster than real-time, so that's cool, too. *shrug*

Comment Irrelevant. (Score 1) 94

Software patents, sadly, play by different rules than everything else. I'd imagine that software patents would still be granted and enforced, especially since they could just tie the process to the PC and meet the court's requirements. Meh.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Kite 1.0b8 released 1

I've posted a new version of Kite (and a redesign of the Web site) tonight. Basically, it now uses a real garbage collector, reducing the amount of RAM each Kite process uses considerably. It also has an official Windows build, now, meaning that it runs on Linux, Windows and OS X. More info here. :)

Data Storage

Submission + - Web Hosting Code of Ethical Conduct (

mind21_98 writes: "With the closure of Web hosts on a daily basis, and the high-profile closure of, many people are left stranded without Web sites. This doesn't have to happen! I wrote up a series of rules that all legitimate companies that provide Web hosting services should support and follow. Together, we can make sure that no person is ever held hostage by their Web host again."
Media (Apple)

Submission + - Apple witohut Jobs?

CDPatten writes: The internet is buzzing with speculation that Steve Jobs may step down over reports that he profited $7.5 million in stock options by falsifying an executive board meeting. The financial times has a good overview of the unfolding story.

From the Article:

"Steve Jobs, chief executive of Apple Computer, was handed 7.5m stock options in 2001 without the required authorization from the company's board of directors, according to people familiar with the matter.

Records that purported to show a full board meeting had taken place to approve Mr Jobs' remuneration, as required by Apple's procedures, were later falsified. These are now among the pieces of evidence being weighed by the Securities and Exchange Commission as it decides whether to pursue a case against the company or any individuals over the affair, according to these people."

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